Alex, Alex, Alex. I can't believe it. I still love her and want her and Daniel to sneak communication and she try to do at least one thing good (at least for him).
I think Bree either A. Knew about the gun prior, or B. Was in a state of shock of not only Jonas pulling out a gun, but the gun being violently pointed at Daniels head. That would explain why she was quiet.
And again GET THAT GUN AWAY FROM YOUR FRIEND JONAS! Daniel should NOT take that lightly. What if it went off!?
I think the Jonas throing rock bit was horrible and cheesey and didn't really feel natural.

Also, someone mentioned how Daniel looked like he was pushing Alex in teh car and wasn't concerned for Bree. Come on. If you have a car and the evil ones pull up - you get in the car- you don't -run for the beach- as Jonas told Bree to do. You get in the car and drive.