TrAnmission #2

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TrAnmission #2

Post by the_messenger »


when i last Wrote, i Hadn't much time. i felt the need to get the message Out. now I have more time aS i am away from the order using my own equipmenT.

i need to clarify some tHings to gain your trust, i bElieve.

i work for alex. i have infiltraTed the order. these are tWo sepErate but connected things. compare it to a work study program. the order, keeping their own peopLe connected, supplied me, as a member of the order, with a job in the same firm alex is with. i haVe a job in fashion. whEn i say i work under ALEX, she is one of many people i report to in my "job." i Know this seems to be coNfusing, but knowing the expansive reach the Order has, this is hoW they accompliSh it.

I have asSisTance on the outside. my first messAge, and many that will follow, aRe designaTed as transmIssioNs. this waS so thE people helping me cAn geT word to you. one assistanT is the person who set up this account. i sent an emaiL via cEll phone to him and he copy/pasted it here.

there are many question i hope to make you ask. the most important is right in front of and not hard to find, but you must ask it yourself.
the next question i will pose directly to you. alex was/is a pawn of the order. others have said it on here and are on the right track. wouldn't the order know where her house in mexico is? how can she afford to take so much time off from work on a whim?

again, i plead with you. convince your friends to get away from her.

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Post by Jo_16_2 »

there's a hidden message in this with the cappital letters: WHO IS THE TWELVE ALEX KNOWS I START IN SEATTLE

makes any sense to you bree?

edit: for correction
Last edited by Jo_16_2 on Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by longlostposter »

Somebody brave enough to tackle anagrams, please do so.

However, this is more than likely another hoax poster.
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Post by only1 »

Jo_16_2 wrote:there's a hidden message in this with the cappital letters: WHO IS THE TWELVE KNOWS I START IN SEATTLE

makes any sense to you bree?

notice Alex's name is all caps a one point. Maybe her name is supposed to be in there???


maybe we're supposed to fill in the punctuation? Maybe it's an anagram like someone else mentioned.

I'm a pretty big Marvel Comics fan and a few years ago there was a storyline featuring the mutant Apocolypse called "The Twelve" I searched wiki for the story, and found it... but also there's an old russian poem about The Twelve. it's about revolutionaries. Some really weird stuff that, while not really something I can see related to LG15 I could really see this as something explaining the order.

the X-Men story ... The_Twelve
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Post by theratdiva »

I read it as:

"Who's the Twelve? Alex knows. Start in Seattle".

I'm not sure if "Alex knows" refers to Alex knowing about "the twelve" or to Alex knowing something more about Jonas' parents, etc.
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Re: TrAnmission #2

Post by heather »

the_messenger wrote:a city of gems
emeralds are pretty
add in the sig... could it be

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Post by Icka »

This might be totally off but could this be relating to what Alex said about the new girl? I keep thinking maybe they needed twelve people? I don't know just an idea.
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Re: TrAnmission #2

Post by only1 »

heather wrote:
the_messenger wrote:a city of gems
emeralds are pretty
add in the sig... could it be


hadn't even thought of that! Isn't Seattle called The Emerald City? I took it as some sort of confirmation that it was Seattle... hmmmm.

also... it is kinda weird that this pops up, "The Twelve" and it seems like it's fan made... but then Alex mentions a new girl. This could get pretty good...
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Post by mincartaugh »

Come to think of it, I hope this is the new girl beginning rather than Maddison.
quick! someone get the ajax and steel wool; I have mental images to scrub out!!
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Post by CRYISME »

theratdiva wrote:I read it as:

"Who's the Twelve? Alex knows. Start in Seattle".

I'm not sure if "Alex knows" refers to Alex knowing about "the twelve" or to Alex knowing something more about Jonas' parents, etc.
I think this one makes more sense.
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Post by theratdiva »

The first thing I thought of when I saw "The Twelve" was "The Twelve Apostles". Amongst other things, they were sent out in pairs of two to basically recruit people for Christ. Christ himself called them "fishers of men" because of their duty, and because the vast majority of them were fishermen by trade.

Could this allude to individuals who recruit for the Order? If this statement follows with the Twelve Apostles and how they were sent out, this could refer to two people who were sent out to recruit... and when it's put into the context of the search that BDJ is currently on, I can't help but to wonder if this is referring to Jonas' parents. Could they have been sent out to recruit? Could Seattle be a starting point for tracking their movements?
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Post by Icka »

I typed in "The Twelve" into google and I got The twelve apostles, and it does make some sense. I also got the The Twelve Labors of Hercules..but I don't think this has to do with it.
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Post by longlostposter »

Theratdiva, I always love your posts. You should post more often.
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Post by theratdiva »

LongLost, thank you! :-)

I have to wonder still if Jonas' parents were sent to recruit individuals to the religion. I see a correlation between the Apostles of Christ being called the "fishers of men" (they were basically trying to bring people to Christianity) and the fact that Jonas' parents were believed to have died while on a boat at sea. Could this point to Jonas' parents being sent on a similar mission as the Apostles? I think it's more than a coincidence.

Bree, an important question: were Jonas' parents ever officially pronounced dead? Were death certificates issued? Even if Jonas doesn't have one (which he should if they were ruled dead), then the certificates have to be in the public record somewhere.

Although Alex is now in the hands of the Order, and cannot be asked about these things, I suggest that now might be the time to back-track to her houses, both in Mexico and the US, and see if there's anything that you all can find.
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Post by longlostposter »

theratdiva wrote:Although Alex is now in the hands of the Order, and cannot be asked about these things, I suggest that now might be the time to back-track to her houses, both in Mexico and the US, and see if there's anything that you all can find.
Excellent idea, and you're very welcome, diva.
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