My name's Hayley, I'm 16 years old and I'm from England. I've only just recently started to get involved in the whole lonelygirl15 fan base and ... it's fab! I've got hooked onto it very quickly and spent over four hours last night watching nearly every single episode - now THAT is addiction! I <3 the storylines and the not-so-predictable outcomes that go along with it. It's very interesting to say at the least.
Hi! I'm Holly from the US.
I've been watching the videos since the beginning. I've lurked a bit here but just today decided to finally make an account.
I hope I can keep up with all the discussion here! From what I've been reading, you guys really know your stuff.
RIP Maddy and Adam
I miss the normal not with the HoO Bree.
Well I am new year, but have been a fan since the beginning. My name is Jessica but Icka for sort. I am 16 years old and currently living in Canada but hope to move to some place new one day. I love reading and I am a real dork, I guess that's what got me hooked to Lonelygirl15, because she to is a dork like me. I am horrible at introuducing myself and really shy . So hello everyone.
I guess I forgot to do one of these also. My name is Crystal. I have a tendence to say alot of stupid things that make sense to me and noone else.
THE FACTION: LG15 Defense Force
STATUS: Vice President & Feather Fan Holder in the Secret Society of Jonas Fans
The Offical Getter Backer of Kari's Laser Gun
Bree Daniel Jonas Sarah Taylor