Basically I love Jackson, and when he made me one of his top friends on myspace, I felt like I needed a Jackson autograph. So I asked for one, and he sent it to me. The end.

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i love the concept btw!7Harry7Potter7 wrote:Mine is a perfect combo of my obsessions in HP and Heroes.
Yeah I think it's from Genesis. Isn't that the one where Spot turns into a lizard? hahahalivelongandprosper77 wrote:Q'Pla Polkadot may your avatar bring you great honor. lol it's awesome and yes TNG is probably the best series out of the whole Star Trek series but i am a fan of all of them though. I remember this avatar from where Data asks Worf to take care of and feed Spot a nutritional supplement and tell him he is a good cat. lol Worf was like I will kill the cat before doing that. Was this from the episode "Genesis"? I can't remember anyway rock on.
Hahahaha. Don't pretend you're not a nerd Kelly!Killthesmiley wrote:...
(must agree though. data's cat was the shit! brought out so much human qualities into Data)