Does anyone know the source of the music (title, album, artist, link, lyric) of the song during the "Part 1" video?
There is a voice talking behind the singing, and I'm wondering whether that is part of the soundtrack or something hidden there.
The song starts at about 1:36. The voice behind the singing starts at about 2:01 and again at 2:22 to 2:37 and then maybe at 3:03 softly.
The video description says only, "The music may seem out of place, but really, it's not. You'll see what I mean soon."
The song begins again in the "Part 2" video at about 4:45 and again has a voice in the background.
Maybe the voice is just a part of the song, but it would be good to verify.
The song lyric itself includes "where you will always be, the apple of my eye"