Hi, i'm kinda new here but not really. I've been lurking this site for a very... very long time. I just decided to sign up today.
My names Alex, i'm from Florida and i've been a fan of LG15 for awhile, but I would never admit it. My friends would dub me absoloutly insane. I find it really interesting, though.
Pleasure to meet all of you and hopefully become apart of the community.
[18:31] * Killthesmiley shakes her booty all up on OpAphid
[18:31] <OpAphid> HELL YES
Jester wrote:Hi, i'm kinda new here but not really. I've been lurking this site for a very... very long time. I just decided to sign up today.
My names Alex, i'm from Florida and i've been a fan of LG15 for awhile, but I would never admit it. My friends would dub me absoloutly insane. I find it really interesting, though.
Pleasure to meet all of you and hopefully become apart of the community.
Lol, my friends already think I'm insane!
Welcome Jester and cyntax!! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!!
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
xentis wrote:click the profile link on the top right under the banner
then on the bottom there will be a off site avatar link
put the image location url there but make sure the image size is within the rules its around 80x80(they'll let you slide if its a bit bigger)
if you need something resized ill help you
The image needs to be hosted somewhere. A good location is photobucket.com. You can set up a free account and upload your image there, and then it will give you the link that you can paste into your profile.
Welcome Jester, Cyntax and Llama_Burger! We're all happy to have you on board. I'm really glad you all received answers to your questions so quickly. If I have further questions or problems EVER, Kari or I can help via PM.
(BTW... Whenever I say I'm addicted to lonelygirl15, you would NOT believe the looks I get!!!!)
Marbella wrote:Welcome Jester, Cyntax and Llama_Burger! We're all happy to have you on board. I'm really glad you all received answers to your questions so quickly. If I have further questions or problems EVER, Kari or I can help via PM.
(BTW... Whenever I say I'm addicted to lonelygirl15, you would NOT believe the looks I get!!!!)