Lurker wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I hate the question mark at the end of the title. Alex did not say she was sorry in that video. She just gave us a sob story so she'd look like a victim after she led her nephew and his friend whom she flirted and made out with AND an adorable little girl go to las vegas and get kidnapped and drugged by her stupid religion thing. Now they're just gonna forgive her because "oh boo hoo, the Order tricked me into it!" Well in that case, I don't feel bad for you that your life sucks, just that you're pathetically stupid. Bye.
In conclusion, Apology NOT Accepted.
In October, Bree willfully went along with a plot to trick Daniel into thinking they were doing the ceremony already - during which time they were watching him and tried to grab him. He had to run from them.
Really, Daniel's the only one of the three Alex screwed over, and Bree's screwed him over just as badly and more than once (and in multiple ways).
Alex didn't lead them to Las Vegas, by the way. They left Alex's place and went off on their own. Or did you mean "let"? In that case, according to her, she didn't even know about the kidnappings until after they happened.
Actually I'll have to disagree with you there. I worded that incorrectly though, I will admit. What I meant was that her betrayal is what led them to leave and left them with limited options as to where they could stay safely. I suppose that wasn't totally her fault, because yes, she seemingly stood up for them afterwards. But she knew they were in danger. She may have just been reciting that speech, but she knew she was warning them of something terrible. She let them go when they had no one to go to, and she shouldn't have, if she really cared.
I also disagree that she only screwed Daniel over. Jonas is her nephew. She's known all these years why they disappeared. She had all those newspaper clippings. She didn't care enough to mention them. Then she led him straight into the Order's hands by bringing him to an Order party.
And Bree, well, she technically never screwed over Bree. But she is still in the Order, and she still wants Bree to do that Ceremony.
She said she's on their side in helping to find Jonas's parents, not helping to run from the Order. She never said she agrees with Bree's decision not to do the Ceremony. It will be interesting to see if she continues to try and persuade Bree.
EDIT after reading the rest of the comments:
I definitely agree with most of the people on here that she is not trustworthy. I'm kind of with the theory that this sob story is all a plan to lure the trio back into the Order's hands.
Also, I realized I may be biased because I genuinely don't like her. Alex, that is. I like Bitsie as an actress. But if this were real I would probably try and pick a fight with that snobby little bitch. She pisses me off. I hate when people say "You don't understand what my life is like." Cry me a freaking river bitch. She has a lot of nerve to tell Bree that she doesn't understand pain. I mean, she's only been lied to her entire life, seen the man who raised her get shot, lost all contact with the woman who raised her, lived an isolated and sheltered life, been forced to abandon that life with little to no explanation why she is being hunted... need I continue? But okay, she would NEVER understand Alex's feelings..

"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3