I don't know. I think that would still be too dark. This show hasn't really been that dark yet, unless you count the CIW stuff which is all non-canon anyway.minsky wrote:She is 16. I don't actually mean that it will happen more along the lines of this is what they intend to happen, but it won't because someone or something will stop it.DontHaveAClue wrote:I still think you are way too much on the dark side. In a PG show, a 15-year old teen will not get impregnated by an evil priest in a satanist mass.
0047 - Zodiac of Denderah
Moderator: Moderators
More from astronomy hubby (hehe he's hooked now). It's all a bit confusing for me (bear of very little brain here) but this is what he says:
Sopdet (c.f. Satet) is indeed associated with Sirius. When Sirius rises just before dawn it is visible only briefly before the Sun rises. This is known as a heliacal rising. In Egypt in about 2000 BCE the heliacal rising of Sirius occurred shortly before the flooding of the Nile, which provided the surrounding land with natural irrigation and made the Nile valley incredibly fertile. As a result of this association Sopdet was regarded as a fertility goddess (another shag-o-magic reference?). The heliacal rising of Sirius was celebrated in a festival known as ‘the coming of Sopdet’ (fnar, fnar).
The heliacal rising of Sirius took place in August this year, so if the ‘ceremony’ is associated with the rising of Sirius it isn’t going to occur for nearly another year. Precession is largely irrelevant - Sirius rises when it rises. For the curious, factoring in precession will give you an earlier rather than later date. In about 2000 BCE the Heliacal rising of Sirius would have occurred in late June. The Sirius connection is likely to be a red herring.
Bree takes the time to tell us that each decan appears at dawn just before the Sun (that’s a heliacal rising folks…) for 10 days every year. While Sopdet is not one of the 36 decans she is represented directly above the decan Het-djat, also known as Hat-tchat. If this is the decan in question, then Sopdet might be associated with the rising of Het-djat. If one compares a star map with the Denderah zodiac, Het-djat appears to associated with the star Alphard in the constellation of Hydra. At present I do not know when the heliacal rising of Alphard occurs.
Interestingly, Alphard is also known as ‘the heart of the serpent’ and is associated with violence, imprisonment, tragedy and poison. The demon Cerenus, commonly identified with the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve, was sometimes referred to as Crowley in biblical texts. The book ‘Good Omens’ by Terry Pratchet and Niel Gaiman features a demonic character named Anthony J. Crowley who appears to be based on the demon Cerenus.
N.B. The date of 2000 BCE associated with the Denderah Zodiac is probably wrong as it contains the constellation of Libra. Libra was created in honour of Julius Caesar after his death in 44 BCE during the final years of the Ptolemaic (Greek) dynasty. The stars that make up Libra were appropriated from the constellation of Scorpio and originally formed its claws.
Does that give anyone any leads/ideas?
Sopdet (c.f. Satet) is indeed associated with Sirius. When Sirius rises just before dawn it is visible only briefly before the Sun rises. This is known as a heliacal rising. In Egypt in about 2000 BCE the heliacal rising of Sirius occurred shortly before the flooding of the Nile, which provided the surrounding land with natural irrigation and made the Nile valley incredibly fertile. As a result of this association Sopdet was regarded as a fertility goddess (another shag-o-magic reference?). The heliacal rising of Sirius was celebrated in a festival known as ‘the coming of Sopdet’ (fnar, fnar).
The heliacal rising of Sirius took place in August this year, so if the ‘ceremony’ is associated with the rising of Sirius it isn’t going to occur for nearly another year. Precession is largely irrelevant - Sirius rises when it rises. For the curious, factoring in precession will give you an earlier rather than later date. In about 2000 BCE the Heliacal rising of Sirius would have occurred in late June. The Sirius connection is likely to be a red herring.
Bree takes the time to tell us that each decan appears at dawn just before the Sun (that’s a heliacal rising folks…) for 10 days every year. While Sopdet is not one of the 36 decans she is represented directly above the decan Het-djat, also known as Hat-tchat. If this is the decan in question, then Sopdet might be associated with the rising of Het-djat. If one compares a star map with the Denderah zodiac, Het-djat appears to associated with the star Alphard in the constellation of Hydra. At present I do not know when the heliacal rising of Alphard occurs.
Interestingly, Alphard is also known as ‘the heart of the serpent’ and is associated with violence, imprisonment, tragedy and poison. The demon Cerenus, commonly identified with the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve, was sometimes referred to as Crowley in biblical texts. The book ‘Good Omens’ by Terry Pratchet and Niel Gaiman features a demonic character named Anthony J. Crowley who appears to be based on the demon Cerenus.
N.B. The date of 2000 BCE associated with the Denderah Zodiac is probably wrong as it contains the constellation of Libra. Libra was created in honour of Julius Caesar after his death in 44 BCE during the final years of the Ptolemaic (Greek) dynasty. The stars that make up Libra were appropriated from the constellation of Scorpio and originally formed its claws.
Does that give anyone any leads/ideas?
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she looks the opposite of pale to me. her skin looks yellow like she's sick or something.nobackspacebutton wrote:alystra wrote:The Hopper picture, "Second Story sunlight" speaks of longing - the girl sunbather is looking away from the older woman, looking wistfully at the world outside of her house, longing to get out into it.
Bree's top could mean that she is getting colder from being anemic from blood loss, but since her hair is also pulled back severelyit seems to mean that the purpose of that shirt is to keep her body covered up, for modesty, the way women in a number of religions wear high sleeves and high necks. could be both reasons, I s'pose.
honestly, lately her skin has looked paler. Usually people who are aenemic take iron pills... Iron causes color in skin. It very well could be from lack of blood or lack of iron in her skin, that she is becoming pale or sick looking.
- nobackspacebutton
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too much iron then? o.oa but i've always thought she was a little yellowish tanish like.lonelygirl wrote:she looks the opposite of pale to me. her skin looks yellow like she's sick or something.nobackspacebutton wrote:alystra wrote:The Hopper picture, "Second Story sunlight" speaks of longing - the girl sunbather is looking away from the older woman, looking wistfully at the world outside of her house, longing to get out into it.
Bree's top could mean that she is getting colder from being anemic from blood loss, but since her hair is also pulled back severelyit seems to mean that the purpose of that shirt is to keep her body covered up, for modesty, the way women in a number of religions wear high sleeves and high necks. could be both reasons, I s'pose.
honestly, lately her skin has looked paler. Usually people who are aenemic take iron pills... Iron causes color in skin. It very well could be from lack of blood or lack of iron in her skin, that she is becoming pale or sick looking.
- TheFatLady
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I love logging in to find really detailed and interesting investigative posts. Bravo, hubby!noseybree wrote:More from astronomy hubby (hehe he's hooked now). It's all a bit confusing for me (bear of very little brain here) but this is what he says:
Sopdet (c.f. Satet) is indeed associated with Sirius. When Sirius rises just before dawn it is visible only briefly before the Sun rises. This is known as a heliacal rising. In Egypt in about 2000 BCE the heliacal rising of Sirius occurred shortly before the flooding of the Nile, which provided the surrounding land with natural irrigation and made the Nile valley incredibly fertile. As a result of this association Sopdet was regarded as a fertility goddess (another shag-o-magic reference?). The heliacal rising of Sirius was celebrated in a festival known as ‘the coming of Sopdet’ (fnar, fnar).
The heliacal rising of Sirius took place in August this year, so if the ‘ceremony’ is associated with the rising of Sirius it isn’t going to occur for nearly another year. Precession is largely irrelevant - Sirius rises when it rises. For the curious, factoring in precession will give you an earlier rather than later date. In about 2000 BCE the Heliacal rising of Sirius would have occurred in late June. The Sirius connection is likely to be a red herring.
Bree takes the time to tell us that each decan appears at dawn just before the Sun (that’s a heliacal rising folks…) for 10 days every year. While Sopdet is not one of the 36 decans she is represented directly above the decan Het-djat, also known as Hat-tchat. If this is the decan in question, then Sopdet might be associated with the rising of Het-djat. If one compares a star map with the Denderah zodiac, Het-djat appears to associated with the star Alphard in the constellation of Hydra. At present I do not know when the heliacal rising of Alphard occurs.
Interestingly, Alphard is also known as ‘the heart of the serpent’ and is associated with violence, imprisonment, tragedy and poison. The demon Cerenus, commonly identified with the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve, was sometimes referred to as Crowley in biblical texts. The book ‘Good Omens’ by Terry Pratchet and Niel Gaiman features a demonic character named Anthony J. Crowley who appears to be based on the demon Cerenus.
N.B. The date of 2000 BCE associated with the Denderah Zodiac is probably wrong as it contains the constellation of Libra. Libra was created in honour of Julius Caesar after his death in 44 BCE during the final years of the Ptolemaic (Greek) dynasty. The stars that make up Libra were appropriated from the constellation of Scorpio and originally formed its claws.
Does that give anyone any leads/ideas?
It is certainly beginning to look as though Bree's religion is a sort of hybrid of several things rather than a "pure" version of any one belief system. Some sort of generalized earth religion with a bit taken from several ancient forms? People have noticed elements of ancestor worship, Thelema, druidic stuff, Judaism offshoots (Kabbalah, etc.), and so on, world without end.
Okay, so can we please have another video or five?
Oh well maybe they are just getting together for milk and cookies thenasenath wrote:I don't know. I think that would still be too dark. This show hasn't really been that dark yet, unless you count the CIW stuff which is all non-canon anyway.minsky wrote:She is 16. I don't actually mean that it will happen more along the lines of this is what they intend to happen, but it won't because someone or something will stop it.DontHaveAClue wrote:I still think you are way too much on the dark side. In a PG show, a 15-year old teen will not get impregnated by an evil priest in a satanist mass.

none for me, but that was very nice of him to not ignore my ideas about precession. I'm rather glad to find out that it's largely irrelevent, though, because otherwise it might have caused a lot of confusion.noseybree wrote: Does that give anyone any leads/ideas?
So yeah, thank him for dismissing it instead of just ignoring it. Very polite!

EDIT: There was a reason why I didn't win that spelling bee in 7th grade ...
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Alright, first post... I've been hanging around for quite some time now, just haven't had anything to say till now....

I thought this was pretty interesting.. I remembered on the video What did Daniel and Dad talk about? there was a close up of daniel at the crowley picture trying to light the candles.. i went back and there is a clear shot of a lightswitch in the back.. Not sure if anyone disproved this note on the wall theory, but thought i'd point it out.. thats one thing we can get off of our minds.nobackspacebutton wrote:Here are some pictures from the videos showing some differences...in the first two, you can see where Daniel has the photo facing up and the second it is down.
Then Bree's photos from this video, showing a piece of paper on the wall and the clear shots of the pictures on her back wall.

- nobackspacebutton
- The Order of Denderah
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