Nikki B - "Party Time!! - NBR Investigates" 4/4/07

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Post by kellylen »

NikkiBowerReport wrote:
Lurker wrote:That was great, Nikki. I'd wondered where you'd been. Really funny video. I'm guessing it's been so long because you wanted to compile as many humorous references as possible and in a classy way (because you're classy, and classy takes time to do right).

Very good stuff. I can't say which I thought was most funny, but the Ice Breakers is definitely around the top of the list. Five stars (no, really, I gave it five on YouTube).
Thanks Lurker!! I'm so happy you get my sense of humor. Many people have really believed I was doing a product placement. Huh :?: That actually makes me laugh! Anyway, I am happy you enjoyed it. Wow you even called me classy. :smt007
well of course darling because you areeeeeeee classy!
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by BlueToed »

Flautapantera wrote:
BlueToed wrote:How old are you Nikki? :)
A lady never reveals her age. ;)
Ladies under thirty generally have no problem doing so.
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