Do you want to see Tachyon?

Cassie. Lucy. Bree's parents. Who are they, and how do they fit in?

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Do you want to see Tachy?

I'm not too sure...
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Post by zippo69 »

Tachyon and company or sort of like Master Chief, they cannot be shown or else the story might get spoiled. A better example, Spiderman! If anyone knew who he was he would never be able to deal with any situations without privacy. Britney Spears is a better example! She already unveiled herself and shes getting more and more spoiled, shes like a rotten pumkpin!
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Post by Spades »

crao, i thought it was asking if I wanted to see her again in the series.

not see, just bring her back. Things are more interesting with her, she shakes things up.
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Post by mincartaugh »

OpAphid, Tachyon, and Brother have left the building.

Due to legal concerns the ARG that included these people is no longer a part of LonelyGirl15. If you want more info, check out the Creator's post HERE
quick! someone get the ajax and steel wool; I have mental images to scrub out!!
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Location: Cassie is watching, and so is everyone else, she's not that special.

Post by Spades »

Wow. This really is a full time job. So much happens so quickly.
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Post by namine20 »

zippo69 wrote:Tachyon and company or sort of like Master Chief, they cannot be shown or else the story might get spoiled. A better example, Spiderman! If anyone knew who he was he would never be able to deal with any situations without privacy. Britney Spears is a better example! She already unveiled herself and shes getting more and more spoiled, shes like a rotten pumkpin!
The similarity between Tachyon and Master Chief = No one actually sees their FULL faces

The difference between Tachyon and Spiderman = The fans already knew who Spidey really was.

The major difference between Tacyon and Britney = Britney is bald now and nobody really likes her much.
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Post by Charles Phoenix »

i really want to see someone take on the character... since i think shed be usefull in the plot at this point (u know... recovering bree)... that and ive always liekd the character...

the hitch... the creators dont own any of the opAPHID characters like tach and brother... so she isnt gonna be coming back
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