Just my opinion

The girl we know and love

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Just my opinion

Post by JamieGilmour »

I'm quite bored with the order and I think maybe since bree is quite robotic, maybe there shouldn't be emotional implications in the script. It makes it boring.

I certainly did not join the forums here to be a basher because I'm an admin at at another forum and I know how that goes.

I decided to post here when I saw vh1 superstar thing and they played lonelygirl15 and then Jessica Rose pops up and catches my bored eyes and I thought, "damn in real life she's not so boring" and I wanted to make a video and show everybody that Jessica Rose talking as Jessica Rose would be far better than watching Bree still dragging on some meaningless theme.

Oh well. Something about color and lighting affects me. Theres nothing but blah in the latest videos and Jessica Rose is a makeup artist. come on creators, make her use her skills. It will help a lot. urgh I'll put a smile cuz there isn't only anger. I'm just frustrated so I'll go overboard to make it a little balanced in peoples perception on my right to have my opinions not only based on emotion. :D :D :) :lol: 8) :P
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