I know the DVD idea has been discussed before, but please consider releasing all the episodes in the series UP-TO-THIS-POINT as a DVD that can be purchased through your website. Let me explain why...
I have a friend who has seen me watching LG videos in our computer lab during this past year. In the beginning she used to tell me that the idea was "lame" and that the whole thing was probably a cheap viral marketing campaign for some product or Internet service. As the months went on, though, I noticed that she made fewer snarky remarks and I caught her actually looking over my shoulder when I watched new episodes. The other day she watched the entire "Communication Terminated" video *with* me, and then sat with me while I read comments left by people speculating about how the episode fits into the broader storyline. After that she actually told me that she wished she had been watching all along!
Well, this change of perspective must be something that other people have experienced as the storyline has progressed and the characters have developed further. My friend said she really wanted to "get caught up" on what has happened to date, but when she flipped through the archives of videos, she said there was just "no freaking way" (only she didn't say "freaking") she was going to go back and watch all the videos "one by one." She said she'd really like to get caught up and start following the LG saga, but unless someone makes it easier to watch the old videos, she wasn't going to "waste the time downloading 150 videos one at a time."
I think my friend makes a good point. Unlike the way you could watch a serial-video series on DVD, you can't just sit down and watch a bunch of episodes in a single setting without selecting, activating, and downloading each video... and then doing the same for each subsequent episode. Most people don't have T1-quality bandwidth in their homes, so that usually means clicking "play," hitting "pause," and then waiting for it to load before viewing it. Otherwise (at least when someone is using a slower DSL connection) it's frustrating and choppy to watch the video without pre-loading it. Also, an estimated 40% of all U.S. Internet users still access the web via dial-up connections. An estimated 65-70% of world-wide users still don't have broadband. I don't know if you've tested the video load-time on dial-up, but the time it takes makes going back to view well over 100 archive episodes of LonelyGirl15 very impractical and virtually impossible. If those same dial-up users could access all the videos to date via DVD, waiting for future episodes to load as soon as they are released would be far more manageable.
In short, you should release all the episodes thus far on a DVD. Unless you plan on wrapping-up the series anytime (very) soon, releasing a DVD could potentially double your number of viewers. Releasing a DVD now would in no way make it so you couldn't release one of the entire series once you decide to end the series and stop making new videos. Even if you plan to only release another 50 or so episodes, getting curious potential new users to commit their time to the series would be *very* advantageous for you. Also, many of us who *have* watched LG since the beginning would still buy the DVD, even though we've seen the past episodes. It would be great to be able to quickly go back over past videos and try to pick up on clues and plot points that we may have missed.
So... that's my idea. I would be very interested to hear what others think as well. If we show that there is a market for releasing a DVD, I'm sure the creators will accommodate our request.
Seneca Doane
DVD of episodes to date: LG15 MAKE $$$ & ATTRACT NEW VIE
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The Creators are currently working on releasing a dvd with all the episodes, as well as behind the scenes footage and commentaries. In the mean time, these videos can get you caught up to speed faster. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=LonelyGirl15Recaps Welcome to the forum!! 

That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
- Suspiciously Absent
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Is there a link to info about the DVD, Kari? (nm)
Is there a link to info about the DVD, Kari?
- colbertnationgirl
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- colbertnationgirl
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I couldn't find the actual post where the Creator's talk about it, but I found this thread. If you want more info, I recomend PM'ing Broken Kid or The Creators. Let me know if you have any other questions!
I couldn't find the actual post where the Creator's talk about it, but I found this thread. If you want more info, I recomend PM'ing Broken Kid or The Creators. Let me know if you have any other questions!

That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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