jonas as nightcrawler
bree as rogue
beast as...wolverine! it was supposed to be gambit but i need a good excuse to draw wolvie.
see how it's going so far: just jonas
smaaaalll image! the finished product will be nice and big.

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Hey QtheC!QtheC wrote:Can you give a quick run-down of the tools you use and how you work? (I have little to no art talent, but I like to know how it's done).
Time for a little plug for my husband's work...hahaso I'm using a little wacom tablet that allows me to move my mouse on the screen like a pen on paper - not that simple, but that's pretty much it.
check staples, or sometimes art stores have it...any tablet is tough to get used to, and i found the hardest thing to adapt to was the slick surface - i'm used to pencil on paper, and there's a lot of friction between the two. I got used to that feeling, and then suddenly i was plastic on plastic with an iiiiitty biiiitty mu factor.
Thanks for the info.!marlasinger wrote:Hey QtheC!QtheC wrote:Can you give a quick run-down of the tools you use and how you work? (I have little to no art talent, but I like to know how it's done).
Okay, so I'm using a little wacom tablet that allows me to move my mouse on the screen like a pen on paper - not that simple, but that's pretty much it. I'm in photoshop, but my program of choice is still opencanvas - a simple little program that has a few brushes, but is tons of fun to use.
In photoshop I use just three brushes. The regular solid round brush, and then a slightly softer brush for shading - I tend to do all my flats first (that is, the solid base colours) then go in with the slightly softer brush and start adding highlights and shadows.
Photoshop is a program with infinite capabilities - I unfortunately am not proficient with it. For example, the smoke you see around Jonas could be done in photoshop to look really neat - take Scott Ramsoomair's Leo Nightcrawler for example, where his shading and smoke are done in a way that I have yet to comprehend. Definitely cool though!
I use lots of layers, too. that helps.Jonas took me about 2 hours to sketch (like 5 friggin times, positions and such) and ink, and colour, in total. Bree should take no time at all - you can see her in the upper right hand corner there.
As for Fight Club, that I am.
As for tattoo designs, just send me a PM, I've done a few.