xmen taag - update: sarah!

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xmen taag - update: sarah!

Post by marlasinger »

got the idea in the beast thread...
jonas as nightcrawler
bree as rogue
beast as...wolverine! it was supposed to be gambit but i need a good excuse to draw wolvie.

see how it's going so far: just jonas

smaaaalll image! the finished product will be nice and big.

Last edited by marlasinger on Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sami »

that's great work
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Post by QtheC »

Can you give a quick run-down of the tools you use and how you work? (I have little to no art talent, but I like to know how it's done).
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Post by Ziola »

Marla, that is great!!

*makes mental note of Marla's talent for next tattoo*
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Post by Sami »

are you that chick form fight club?
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Post by marlasinger »

QtheC wrote:Can you give a quick run-down of the tools you use and how you work? (I have little to no art talent, but I like to know how it's done).
Hey QtheC!

Okay, so I'm using a little wacom tablet that allows me to move my mouse on the screen like a pen on paper - not that simple, but that's pretty much it. I'm in photoshop, but my program of choice is still opencanvas - a simple little program that has a few brushes, but is tons of fun to use.

In photoshop I use just three brushes. The regular solid round brush, and then a slightly softer brush for shading - I tend to do all my flats first (that is, the solid base colours) then go in with the slightly softer brush and start adding highlights and shadows.

Photoshop is a program with infinite capabilities - I unfortunately am not proficient with it. For example, the smoke you see around Jonas could be done in photoshop to look really neat - take Scott Ramsoomair's Leo Nightcrawler for example, where his shading and smoke are done in a way that I have yet to comprehend. Definitely cool though!

I use lots of layers, too. that helps. ;) Jonas took me about 2 hours to sketch (like 5 friggin times, positions and such) and ink, and colour, in total. Bree should take no time at all - you can see her in the upper right hand corner there.

As for Fight Club, that I am.

As for tattoo designs, just send me a PM, I've done a few.

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Post by Killthesmiley »

so I'm using a little wacom tablet that allows me to move my mouse on the screen like a pen on paper - not that simple, but that's pretty much it.
Time for a little plug for my husband's work...haha

ok guys, wacom tablets are great and cheap(-ish) and such, but HP (Hewertt-Packard) has such a hgih quality tablet now.
It is specifically design for graphic arts and has an amazing response time from stylus to screen, even if memory is bogged down (i've tried done it with photoshop, msn, myspaceim, aim, firefox, itunes, macpee [yup i called it macpee] a lonelygirl15 video and my ipaq updates all running at the same time). Not only does it have a great response to movement, but pressure...

Also, believe it or not, you can get a paint program for your IPaq/Palm/Handhel device that is pretty damn good too. I have one on my ipaq that allows me to go out and sketch out a picture and easily upload it onto my table as a BMP.

this is boreder line spam now...haha

if you want more information, check out the HP website! (google it!)

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Post by marlasinger »

...lol. well, whatever you're using, wacom or hp, if it's a tablet, then you're going to want to make sure you're comfortable using it.

any tablet is tough to get used to, and i found the hardest thing to adapt to was the slick surface - i'm used to pencil on paper, and there's a lot of friction between the two. I got used to that feeling, and then suddenly i was plastic on plastic with an iiiiitty biiiitty mu factor.

i slid all over the place - so what i did was tape a piece of paper to the tablet, over the drawing space, so that i had SOME friction. It helped a TON.

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Post by Killthesmiley »

any tablet is tough to get used to, and i found the hardest thing to adapt to was the slick surface - i'm used to pencil on paper, and there's a lot of friction between the two. I got used to that feeling, and then suddenly i was plastic on plastic with an iiiiitty biiiitty mu factor.
check staples, or sometimes art stores have it...

but they have a plastic sheeth spacially made for tablets and a ditgital sketch pad.

You can stick it on the screen (like that blue stuff they put on stainles steel aplainces to protect it during shipment). It's grainy on the side that isn't sticky.
Now I don't mean, bumby grainy, but just enough to help with the slippery-ness/lack of friction. I didn't find it did anything to stylus response time on ours when I had it on, but on a friend of mine's tablet it slowed it down by a small fraction of a second.
The store we bought it from said it's typically difficult to find, but most art school supply stores have it, or towns with art school's local stores at a much cheaper price the school supply stores.

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Post by marlasinger »

I'm well used to it now, kelly! ^_^ thanks though, I'll keep this in mind for anyone that asks me.
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Post by immortal1 »

You are insanely talented.

I am in awe.
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Post by Opladybug »

That is soo cool.
But you cut out gambit,and thats just sad. poor Gambit. :(


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Post by Killthesmiley »

I'm really amazed at the likeness of Bree/Jess/Rogue (interesting choice by the way. Rogue's Backstory, almost fits to Bree's).
SOMETIMES people can get it right, but other times...well .... it's a nice try. Hahaha.

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Post by QtheC »

marlasinger wrote:
QtheC wrote:Can you give a quick run-down of the tools you use and how you work? (I have little to no art talent, but I like to know how it's done).
Hey QtheC!

Okay, so I'm using a little wacom tablet that allows me to move my mouse on the screen like a pen on paper - not that simple, but that's pretty much it. I'm in photoshop, but my program of choice is still opencanvas - a simple little program that has a few brushes, but is tons of fun to use.

In photoshop I use just three brushes. The regular solid round brush, and then a slightly softer brush for shading - I tend to do all my flats first (that is, the solid base colours) then go in with the slightly softer brush and start adding highlights and shadows.

Photoshop is a program with infinite capabilities - I unfortunately am not proficient with it. For example, the smoke you see around Jonas could be done in photoshop to look really neat - take Scott Ramsoomair's Leo Nightcrawler for example, where his shading and smoke are done in a way that I have yet to comprehend. Definitely cool though!

I use lots of layers, too. that helps. ;) Jonas took me about 2 hours to sketch (like 5 friggin times, positions and such) and ink, and colour, in total. Bree should take no time at all - you can see her in the upper right hand corner there.

As for Fight Club, that I am.

As for tattoo designs, just send me a PM, I've done a few.

Thanks for the info.!

I have used photoshop a little - to get the smoke effect, try drawing the smoke on another layer or layers, and playing with the opacity settings (but you probably know that).
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Post by Sami »

wow.. just wow... Not only is X-men taag's a cool idea, but those pics are great. That is Bree
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