If ya'll don't stop talking about missing random thread jacks, I'm going to just have to go ahead and wikipedia this one.
Hm. I don't know if I've got a favourite Op moment, exactly.. I still smile when thinking of the Pea Soup drop, though. So funny! And exciting! The video, while somewhat simple, is probably one of my favourites from the entire ARG.
I do hold the evening of the Loveline puzzle fairly dear, though.. I'm now completely addicted to the show and it's all Tach's fault. Also, the chat that night was.. amusing, to say the least. Heh.
And calling that Op voicemail for the first time! Woah. Totally freaked me out (enough that I refused to leave a message), but it was so satisfying to figure out. Plus, how hot is her voice?!
Also, in-character interaction was always way too much fun.. Whether it was with Op or 10033, seeing that red envelope on youtube indicating a new message totally got my heart beating a little faster everytime.
And.. Hm. Yeah. Aw, I miss my ARG. :\