See? All the times people said comics would rot your brain, and it turns out comics help us think creatively!
Seriously though, if Daniel still has some of his comics, you should ask him if you can take a look at some of them. Power and responsibility is naturally a big theme throughout most comics, especially comics dealing with younger superheroes (like the various versions of Spider-Man, the Teen Titans, Young Justice, and various off-and-on X-Men titles dealing with the younger residents of Professor Xavier's school) and I think they can also teach a thing or two about how to be tough without going overboard. Plus? Good comics can really inspire the imagination, which will help you think creatively. That's good for daydreaming, sure, but it could also be good if you need to think outside the box to escape from a pursuer.
As far as where you could find a deprogrammer, I confess I'm not sure of precisely where. I'll keep searching for links on the web for you, but for right now I'll let you take a look at the
Wikipedia article on it. If/when I find anything else, I'll be sure to let you know!
Also: If you guys ever get a break in the running department, you should try and destress. Video games, Dungeons & Dragons - hey, I said I was a geek already, right?

- or even little games or fun things. A movie night or something, if you ever have the opportunity.