Are Bree and Cassie the same person?

Cassie. Lucy. Bree's parents. Who are they, and how do they fit in?

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Post by HenrySugar »

Cassie is a part of the LG15 series. She was mentioned in two of Bree's videos.
'cassieiswatching' is a username on YouTube who made some videos. These videos (as the Creators claim) are not part of their storyline.
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Post by Daniel »

I know there's a lot of debate about whether or not cassieiswatching is part of LG15 canon. But if it is, perhaps those videos were made by Bree when she was in her "Cassie" persona. It would explain how Cassie knew all these places Bree had been. It still begs the question of how she got out of the house and drove to these places. Maybe "Frank" brought her there? Just a thought.

Post by covedweller »

watching these videos, I get the impression that they could be one in the same:

Everyone Hates Cassie

They Keep Attacking Cassie

Canon or not, the context of the sound bytes and such makes me think the connection of Bree/Cassie is too close for it to make sense any other way.
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Post by Katie »

bree "doesnt remember" about cassie
producers "arent responsible" for the CiW vids.

of course they arent claiming responsibility. when they were made and posted they werent the producers, they were the alter ego....cassie.

have you ever seen a movie called identity? In that movie the character is played by the tasty looking John Cusack. but when that character is confronted with the reality that he has spilt personalities they show him a mirror and hes a fat bald guy. COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED.

In "Daniel Crossed the Line" at 0:40 bree says "I didnt exist" because at the time, she was cassie. bree wasnt picked on because noone knew she was there.

In "Daniel Responds" daniel says "theres so much more that you dont see, that you dont know"

and yeah. I think the dirty feet mean something
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