@#dlks..dskj etc.

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by ladysolitary85 »

CRYISME wrote:Yea I called and the number and he has no idea what I was talking about.
lol I'm sorry at least you guys were brave enough to try.
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Post by giddeanx »

Ravensnow27 wrote:I called too, it was a voice mail, sounded like he said his name was mike or matt?
Poor Mike or Matt. He just got ARGed.
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

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Post by Ravensnow27 »

LOL poor guy!! Hes all like, "the order? Chasing who? I'm scared..."
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Post by Killthesmiley »

number one rule of any arg concerning phone numbers:

Never dial a random number!!!!! wait for confirmation.

trust me, we learned it the hard way during oppy days

YOU: Who does that KTS think she is? Total bitch!

ME: I think I'm you, only better.

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Post by longlostposter »

giddeanx wrote:
Ravensnow27 wrote:I called too, it was a voice mail, sounded like he said his name was mike or matt?
Poor Mike or Matt. He just got ARGed.
lol, @ he just got ARGed.
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Post by cittiecait »

Target acquire@#dlks..dskjl sho$-#.atch..r$#@!......d....s..............
how about
target acquire @ dlks (code for place the chaser was shot) .. dskjl (code for chaser) sho$-# (shot) . atch..r$#@! (basically signed by the watcher with his id code) ......d....s............... (perhapd something to do with daniel and what theyve done [given him a shot/ subliminal messages this is completely guessing now])
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Post by SarahSmee »

Target acquire@#dlks..dskjl sho$-#.atch..r$#@!......d....s..............

Target aquireWEdlks..dskjl shoR-E.atch..rREWQ........d....s..........


Could it be 'WE REQUIRE' but they didn't get that far?

Or it could be 'shore watch' as in they'll watch the shore or the coast.

dskjl seems close the the letters that could spell Daniel.

sorry random ramblings.
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Post by Ravensnow27 »

cbizzle44 wrote:another thing- maybe the typer was facing resistance when he/she wrote it. i know (and this is a random 6th grade flashback moment for me) when i had friends over and they wanted to IM something embarassing to someone, i would stop them by reaching over the keyboard and just banging on the letters. maybe that's what happened? or the typer was about to pass out... it starts out coherent and gets sloppier, which would indicate some kind of deteriorating condition.....?
It makes me feel old when someone has a 6th grade flashback moment that involves instant messaging someone. When I was in 6th grade I was playin "oregon trail" on an apple with a green and black screen
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Post by ladysolitary85 »

longlostposter wrote:
giddeanx wrote:
Ravensnow27 wrote:I called too, it was a voice mail, sounded like he said his name was mike or matt?
Poor Mike or Matt. He just got ARGed.
lol, @ he just got ARGed.
OMG ROFL I'm sorry I can't help but to laugh, I feel so bad for the guy getting this phone call hearing about some Order.
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Post by giddeanx »

ladysolitary85 wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
giddeanx wrote: Poor Mike or Matt. He just got ARGed.
lol, @ he just got ARGed.
OMG ROFL I'm sorry I can't help but to laugh, I feel so bad for the guy getting this phone call hearing about some Order.
Who knows he could be a new fan, or visiting his psychatrist.
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

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Post by ladysolitary85 »

giddeanx wrote:
ladysolitary85 wrote:
longlostposter wrote:lol, @ he just got ARGed.
OMG ROFL I'm sorry I can't help but to laugh, I feel so bad for the guy getting this phone call hearing about some Order.
Who knows he could be a new fan, or visiting his psychatrist.
ROFL you know it would suck if his psychatrist was part of the Order... then his life would really suck.
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Post by longlostposter »

Ravensnow27 wrote:It makes me feel old when someone has a 6th grade flashback moment that involves instant messaging someone. When I was in 6th grade I was playin "oregon trail" on an apple with a green and black screen
Tell me about it, Raven. Ten years old, watching "The Honeymooners" and "The Beverly Hillbillies" on prime time.
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Post by xxjuviexx »

hahahahahahaha.... solitare... funny
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