Well, we're not talking contract law here. The only reason Bree agreed to do the ceremony was that CrazyGuy was threatening DB and Jonas. Whether Our Gang was set free or escaped, the fact is that none of the three of them is in the Order's hands at the moment (unless Bree either got grabbed on her way to the bathroom, or got grabbed on her way to go all Tachy on Alex's ass, but that's a whole 'nother theory). If the Order doesn't have Daniel or Jonas, it doesn't matter what Bree verbally "agreed" -- under "psychological torture" -- to do; they can't carry out their threats against the boys, so they've lost that leverage. And presumably they don't have Bree either, so they can't torture her into "agreeing."Onewen wrote:I understand what you are saying...but "set free"?? They escaped didn't they? She essentially made a "verbal agreement" to do it, and the private video to the rest of the Order is documentation of that...just wondering if that is enough or not???
0164 "Missing Days" [04/02/07]
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- janesalteredstates
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I officially have no idea what this "story" is about. I have hit bottom and this video is to blame.
So there was some guy chasing them with a camera? How did they know the other guy was a watcher? WTF is a watcher???
All I can do is hope the next video tells me something. But that's sort of the nature of LG15, isn't it? Wait for the next video... "tomorrow never comes."
Wasn't Bree in the back seat when they went to sleep?
So there was some guy chasing them with a camera? How did they know the other guy was a watcher? WTF is a watcher???
All I can do is hope the next video tells me something. But that's sort of the nature of LG15, isn't it? Wait for the next video... "tomorrow never comes."

While that sounds cool, I don't have enough faith in anyone to think that that is the case.ApotheosisAZ wrote:This vid kicks 57 different kinds of a$$.
Bree has gone to kick someone's Aunt in the neck unless I'm mistaken. I hope I'm not. She has been training to whip up on some Order butt. I beleive that is occuring right now.
Wasn't Bree in the back seat when they went to sleep?
“It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story. ”
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*crosses fingers* I hope you're right!Languorous Lass wrote:Well, we're not talking contract law here. The only reason Bree agreed to do the ceremony was that CrazyGuy was threatening DB and Jonas. Whether Our Gang was set free or escaped, the fact is that none of the three of them is in the Order's hands at the moment (unless Bree either got grabbed on her way to the bathroom, or got grabbed on her way to go all Tachy on Alex's ass, but that's a whole 'nother theory). If the Order doesn't have Daniel or Jonas, it doesn't matter what Bree verbally "agreed" -- under "psychological torture" -- to do; they can't carry out their threats against the boys, so they've lost that leverage. And presumably they don't have Bree either, so they can't torture her into "agreeing."Onewen wrote:I understand what you are saying...but "set free"?? They escaped didn't they? She essentially made a "verbal agreement" to do it, and the private video to the rest of the Order is documentation of that...just wondering if that is enough or not???

I think it's strange that Daniel is brainwashed to want to go home, then the 1st thing he does when out on his own is want to call Alex, then head to Alex's home.
Maybe the brainwashing computer voice should have made himself clear WHOSE specific home he should go to.
Maybe the brainwashing computer voice should have made himself clear WHOSE specific home he should go to.

Last edited by HisGirl on Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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- ApotheosisAZ
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Fancy, schmancy hotels have fancy, schmancy security cameras. We all remember that.
It does look like Bree is in the back seat asleep at the end of the vid. You can see her hair. I'll try to post a screenshot.
If the next vid isn't Bree sneaking up to Aunt Alex's room to beat the dust off of her, I'll eat ladron121's hat.
It does look like Bree is in the back seat asleep at the end of the vid. You can see her hair. I'll try to post a screenshot.
If the next vid isn't Bree sneaking up to Aunt Alex's room to beat the dust off of her, I'll eat ladron121's hat.
Official Jester of the LG15 Defense Force!
Never thought I'd make a wacky theory but here goes....
OpAPHID, Watchers, and the Order in general.
Maybe there is a division within all ranks instead of just one whole group?
Wackness level 10: Maybe there is an Order War going on to decide what to do with Bree?
Any more wacky theories? List your wacky level next to it.
OpAPHID, Watchers, and the Order in general.
Maybe there is a division within all ranks instead of just one whole group?
Wackness level 10: Maybe there is an Order War going on to decide what to do with Bree?
Any more wacky theories? List your wacky level next to it.
- Magesa
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Thanks for your response, Lurker! I just got back from dinner, so I didn't see until now.
Everything that has happened so far has confirmed that they can't hurt Bree. Crazy Guy seemed most after Bree. However, the Order seems to use the idea that they might hurt Jonas or Daniel to their advantage.
While Crazy Guy is in the Order, I'm still convinced that the Watcher posted this particurlar video. And he posted it under the faction of "The Order." Saying that both Crazy Guy and the Watcher are in the Order. I didn't say OpAphid, it said the Order. Now, we could just be overanalyzing it. "The Order" probably encompasses all sections.
The Order isn't very nice to those it doesn't agree with, is it? Maybe it was just OpAphid disagreeing. Or maybe that Crazy Guy really was a crazy guy -- one person with the intent of getting and psychologically torturing Bree, but the Watchers disagreed. It does tell us one thing, though -- these guys aren't afraid to kill, even if they're killing their own guys.
I think Bree's "bad-ass" training has paid off some. She seems to recall the scene better than the others -- Daniel says that Bree said that the Watcher killed Crazy Guy. She was ahead of Daniel and Jonas, and was leading the way when they were running. She's definitely not as innocent and silly as she was way back in the really early vids!
I knew I should have the thread on that video more carefully!Lurker wrote:Actually, that Watcher hauled back and was about to deck him. When Bree ran between them, he jerked his arm back at the last second so he wouldn't hurt her.Magesa wrote:I can't seem to form any conclusions, but here are some random observations:
When Gemma warned against the Watchers, she could have just been trying to scare Bree and DB. But the Watchers have, at times, seemed almost a protective presence. When Jonas tried to punch the Watcher, the Watcher didn't seem to want to hurt Jonas.
Everything that has happened so far has confirmed that they can't hurt Bree. Crazy Guy seemed most after Bree. However, the Order seems to use the idea that they might hurt Jonas or Daniel to their advantage.
I wasn't thinking of the poster always being the same person, but what you are saying makes perfect sense.Lurker wrote:The two previous videos - in which the guy captured and psychologically manipulated the three of them - were private transmissions of the Order, so the guy was absolutely a member of the Order.Magesa wrote:It was said that Crazy Guy was a member of the Order because he posted the video as an order member -- we don't know that. The Watcher picked up Crazy Guy's camera at the end, so it must have been the Watcher who posted the video.
While Crazy Guy is in the Order, I'm still convinced that the Watcher posted this particurlar video. And he posted it under the faction of "The Order." Saying that both Crazy Guy and the Watcher are in the Order. I didn't say OpAphid, it said the Order. Now, we could just be overanalyzing it. "The Order" probably encompasses all sections.
The Order isn't very nice to those it doesn't agree with, is it? Maybe it was just OpAphid disagreeing. Or maybe that Crazy Guy really was a crazy guy -- one person with the intent of getting and psychologically torturing Bree, but the Watchers disagreed. It does tell us one thing, though -- these guys aren't afraid to kill, even if they're killing their own guys.
That kind of a twist is exactly what this story needs. But only if they give us a good explanation first!Lurker wrote:That would definitely be a nice angle. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," after all. Right now, OpAphid's not looking all that bad. She may not be on their side per se, but it looks like her posse's not exactly on the side of whoever decided kidnapping Bree would be a good idea either.Magesa wrote:It would be very interesting if OpAphid and the Order has some disagreements... and that disorganization would potentially provide our trio with a weak point to target.
I think Bree's "bad-ass" training has paid off some. She seems to recall the scene better than the others -- Daniel says that Bree said that the Watcher killed Crazy Guy. She was ahead of Daniel and Jonas, and was leading the way when they were running. She's definitely not as innocent and silly as she was way back in the really early vids!
We all have a Danielbeast inside of us.
Does anybody else think they're hearing Jonas mumbling about a robe on in the end?
This is the best I can make out at a transcript:
"No... I don't... No. Try (to get my?) robe... Um. You... It's hot, so turn it off."
I get the distinct impression that he's either reliving some important childhood events or, more recently, his torture. He's acting almost exactly like he did during his segments in Psychological Torture.
If we're lucky, Bree will figure out that the sleep-talking is important and confiscate the rest of the raw footage from Daniel.
Or, we could get a whole video of Jonas talking in his sleep. I'd vote for that. Rawr.
This is the best I can make out at a transcript:
"No... I don't... No. Try (to get my?) robe... Um. You... It's hot, so turn it off."
I get the distinct impression that he's either reliving some important childhood events or, more recently, his torture. He's acting almost exactly like he did during his segments in Psychological Torture.
If we're lucky, Bree will figure out that the sleep-talking is important and confiscate the rest of the raw footage from Daniel.
Or, we could get a whole video of Jonas talking in his sleep. I'd vote for that. Rawr.
Gemma never said that Watchers are "the Order" in the video "A Watcher!"
This was the first point I ever made in these threads (back in November), when I was making the argument that the Watchers were good guys. Here's what I said:
This was the first point I ever made in these threads (back in November), when I was making the argument that the Watchers were good guys. Here's what I said:
So please, stop saying Gemma said the Watchers were with the Order. She named that as one of TWO possibilities.Gemma doesn't say they're the Order in "A Watcher." She says that's a possibility OR that "a modern version of them [Knights of the Round Table]." The "modern version" thing is rushed in the video, as if she wants you to miss it, and I didn't notice it until I read the transcript.