0162- "Psychological Torture" [3/29/07]

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Post by kiyoshi »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Lurker wrote:
kiyoshi wrote:
I think it's mainly because most of us are extremely sad with what happened to them and how they reacted. x_x
I think it's solely because no ropes were involved.
For me, it was the lipstick. HUGE turnoff. :wink:
You guys bring up two great points there.

aideen + jonas + shaved almonds = gajillion babies.

That's kind of scary and awe-inspiring at the same time.
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Post by Wisi Girl »

Renegade wrote: What's annoying me about this video are mostly two things:
  1. It's another case of "illogical video" - why the hell would anybody post this? If BD&J had posted this, it would include footage of Jonas punching Mr. Scary Voice in the face and them all escaping. If it was a report from an Order-Interrogator to his superiors, he'd either show the entire footage, or only relevant parts - meaning no footage of Daniel trying to wake up Jonas, and no footage of them just drunkenly almost falling asleep. And most definitely not such a "dramatic" ending. The video as a whole, in its concept, just doesn't make sense.
  2. And then there's the oh so scary voice. It's just passionless. Not authentic. An evil scary g-man who just drugged three people up and abducted them - and what do we hear? An indecisive, defensive, semi-evil voice. :roll:
    Simple example: At around 60% of the video, Daniel asks "Who are you?".
    As an evil cult-agent who's totally in control of the situation, and wants answers NOW, you'd firmly say "That is of no interest to you!".
    ...what does Daniel get? "That's...not...important." Oh. Scary. It almost sounds like The Voice doesn't even know how to react to that question. As if he hadn't taken into account his abductees might actually ask questions back. It's just ridiculous. It destroys the atmosphere. The idea of a distorted voice from the dark in itself is kinda campy, but it could have worked - if executed right. But this is just...bad. It's more like P.Monkey playing a prank on them than a threat to their life and the breaking of Bree's will.
I just love the fan community of the LG15 series!!! It is so great because I watch a new video, immediately go to the forums to spill my thoughts and I always find that someone who has posted the EXACT same comments I was intending to post! Gosh, there are so many smart folks amongst us, eh?

Renegade, you expressed it better than I could have! I feel the same way! Especially about the lack of logic behind it all! The voice is ridiculous and what the he said to the trio was equally stupid, however, this wasn't even the worst part! You put it so well! If we should pretend that these videos are private, then why would a PRIVATE video between members of the order be edited in such a manner? And why the voice if it is private? Actually, why the voice at all?

The first private video was good. A bit confusing but I liked it. Perhaps it was a bad idea. When the creators said that this change to the series would allow more creative freedom on their part, I didn't imagine this. Perhaps it was a bad idea.

Maybe it is not about them being more risky with the style of their videos. What if what we are seeing is just the creators coming across their limits of talent? If this is what we should expect from this point on with the new private videos, then this is the end of the series- at least for me!

Why don't they incorporate more input from us? Renegade and I could really improve things! Ha ha ha! I'm not serious, okay people!
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
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Post by Wisi Girl »

P.S. I only read the first five pages of this forum. Apologies for everyone out there who reads the comment above and think, "Um, really innovative thoughts there! Did you not read the 40 million remarks in this thread, which are exactly like yours?"
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
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Post by marlasinger »

sparkybennett wrote:
marlasinger wrote:Great acting, I'll agree. And I know I know, I'm being retarded, because this isn't Oppy, it's the ORDER. but if the next video from the Order has Phase III: and then something starting with an H, I'll be suspicious. ;)

As for the voice - it ebbed on me about half way through. I think it was the fact that it wasn't a confident voice. Instead it was a distorted, sort of semi-hypnotic voice that sounded like it didn't really know what it was talking about. If you're going to call your video torture, then torture them. You just drugged them and then asked them if they could go home and take part in a ceremony. Politely.

What kind of torture is that polite? hah!

That is interesting
A for Apprehend, now P for Psychological torture
H could be phase three

I am of the belief that only Daniel has been freed. Something else is going on with Jonas. When Daniel walks out he is alone in that bathroom. The "questioning" Jonas seemed different than Daniel's.
I also thought the voice was really bad because they were using one of those voice changers so Bree wouldn't recognize it.

I think it is Bree's adoptive mother.
Okay, I didn't think anyone would agree with me. But it appears a few do.

We'll wait for the next vid, yes? And then if it's an H, we'll have our proof.

I have to read through like 5 pages of posts still, I'll edit this once I do. Just wanted to say that.

ALSO, renegade is my hero for this SW reference:
Renegade wrote: If the Special Edition (with Jonas shooting first!) comes with the same voiceover, I might be up to the challenge...although I only have a crappy inbuilt microphone and usually don't speak English...:?
my love tastes a lot like tofu.

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Post by mellie3204 »


Scary stuff. Cult torture is one of my phobias, so this was pretty scary for me.

Don't have much to add to the above descriptions of torture methods, such as sleep deprivation, starvation, dehydration, etc. The vid description also specified drugs, and they all definately look spaced out.

Only thing I wanted to add was an article I read recently in New Scientist, that sleep deprivation actually seriously affects your moral veiwpoint, when you're even a little sleep deprived, things you thought were definately right or wrong become blurred, you tend to be more lenient about things you would have said a definate no to before. Combine that with other methods... cocktail of cult-ey badness.

Also yes, it wasn't that scary per say, but I don't think the Orderites were trying to scare them, they were trying to break them down and then convince them by sounding calm and reasonable, which in the long run is much scarier, as that tends to break a person's will much faster than force would (force causes a person to say yes but not mean it, this kind of brainwashing convinces a person yes is the right answer).

I think what someone else here said was right too, we are only seeing a cut-down version of what is probably many days worth of torture. In terms of Private Vid, it shows each of BDJ being brainwashed, the boys left somewhere afterwards after being given clear instructions to go, and Bree saying yes to the ceremony, which is all these Order flunkies would have needed to load to show their superiors, whoever they are.

All in all, I think it was well done!! (But thanks for fixing the Audio Creatortrons! We know you work hard for us!)
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Post by Alexa Bishop »

Wowee... that was a good vid. The voice certainly reminded me of Saw. When it said "Hello Bree" I half expected it to follow with "I want to play a little game with you" snarf snarf.

Anyway, don't know if it helps but I'm certain this series is moving to the UK shortly. I've seen some pics of the characters taken at Warwick Castle, Leamington Spa and Stonehenge, all places which are very relevant to the Crowley aspect of the story.

Wouldn't it be freaky if they're already there, they let Daniel go, he gets out of the hotel and is like WTF this isn't America!!! With no money and no friends, he'd have a pretty tough time contacting Tachyon for help.

Anyway, I've been lurking for months now - about time I said hello so... herrow.
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Post by Visceria »

*randomly pops in* Hey, everyone! ^^; Just wanted to post on some things I found note-worthy 'bout the video. . . .

One thing I thought was pretty interesting about this vid was how the Order-person asks Jonas (in a sort of weird, maybe taunting voice), "Do you know how your parents died?" Jonas says no, and the video cuts away to someone else. Then, the next time they cut back to Jonas, the Order-person suddenly asks him, "You wouldn't want something like that to happen to your friend Bree, would you?" Hmm. Something like what, exactly? Did the Order-person tell Jonas some horrific story (possibly a lie) of how Jonas' mother and father died by their hands for going against the Order?

Also, I noticed that that Order-person (haha, that will forever be their name now) used various tactics that professional interrogators are trained to use . . . the constant repeating of the subjects' names after every freakin' sentence; the soothing voice; the sleep deprivation; the whole "everything will be fine now, kiddies" shtick. . . . Yeah, you probably all already knew that, but I thought it was pretty cool anyways. XD
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Post by melpomene »

Did this video remind anyone else of Donnie Darko, you know Frank's voice? ...however, about a million times less scary? Now that's an example of a very creepy but calm voice that can get people to do things.

Anyway, if that voice had been less campy and more scary then I would actually like this video. I just thought it was lame. If that was the order then I'm deeply disappointed.
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Post by rupaZer0 »

1) I'm British, and I don't think, as some have suggested, that this voice is. It's hard to explain why the vowels are American (but they are) but if you listen, he pronounes his 'r's at the end of words - we don't do that here. The word, 'Remember,' when the voice is talking to Jonas is a good example of this. It clearly says, 'rememberr,' and not, 'remembah,' or, 'Remembuh.'

2) I like the idea that it's Bree's mum. This explains why her voice is distorted - Bree and Daniel would instantly recognise her voice. The video is to show the rest of the order what's been happening, including the fact that she changed her voice.

3) I'm glad people have started asking questions about why this is the order and not opahid. While it's obviously in practical terms because of the pm issues, the fact we've now got another faction doing a job similar to oppy's will have to be integrated into the storyline. Still, I also really liked the suggestion that the titles are spelling out aphid. Maybe this is going to get blurry and confused.

btw, I thought Bree looked a bit like itscassie in this vid.
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Post by terminallycute »

I agree it might possibly be Bree's adopted mom, especially since when talking with Daniel, the voice said "Come home," which assumes familiarity, not "go home."

I think they prolly sent Dan away, but will be hanging on to Jonas....will he be forced to take an impromptu part in the ceremony as further torture?

As for the ceremony...all I can think of is "Rosemary's Baby."

Poor Bree looked so rough & haggard. And at the end Jonas looked as if he was just gonna cry. Where the heck is Tachyon??

New vid now, please!!
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Post by Kasdeja »

I think the voice was her father's.
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Post by loobylou »

I think the voice is Ronald McDonald's!

Can't we all just get along?

Post by silvermoon »

I've skimmed through all the pages of the video, and my only question now is (and I'm not sure why anyone else asked):

Who is filming Daniel and Jonas when they are in the bathroom??

This is an Order video...do they have a hidden camera? It seems like it was being shot from the door way, but I think the boys would have noticed someone standing there!

Also, when Daniel first wakes up and tried to get Jonas to wake up, there is a loud banging noise while Daniel is out of the shot. What is Daniel banging on and why?

Also, the first time I watched the video, I thought Bree said "Save Mommy", but I guess "ceremony" makes more sense.

Edit to add additional question about banging.
Last edited by silvermoon on Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mellie3204 »

Alexa Bishop wrote: Anyway, I've been lurking for months now - about time I said hello so... herrow.
Heh heh, my partner is always saying that - Herrow back at ya! :lol:
melpomene wrote:Did this video remind anyone else of Donnie Darko, you know Frank's voice? ...however, about a million times less scary? Now that's an example of a very creepy but calm voice that can get people to do things.

Now that you mention it, yes! :shock:

Now I'm just imagining a big bunny behind the camera :smt046
Visceria wrote: One thing I thought was pretty interesting about this vid was how the Order-person asks Jonas (in a sort of weird, maybe taunting voice), "Do you know how your parents died?" Jonas says no, and the video cuts away to someone else. Then, the next time they cut back to Jonas, the Order-person suddenly asks him, "You wouldn't want something like that to happen to your friend Bree, would you?" Hmm. Something like what, exactly? Did the Order-person tell Jonas some horrific story (possibly a lie) of how Jonas' mother and father died by their hands for going against the Order?
How DARE they torment my Jonas like that! :smt076

*edited because it was easier than posting again :P*
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Post by rodrigogar »

i knw a lot of people might have said this. But this totally remind me of saw. HELLO BREE, I WANT TO PLAY A GAME. hehehehe. Also db and jonas wakin gup in the bathroom and jonas in the tub.

This was a scary video, i like the direction of them. Its showing up the "power" of the order, and its a lil darker than i imagined. And makes me wonder, what is this ceremony all about?.

Anyways. Am liking this :P
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