voyboy wrote:The voice was creepy. I think it was a female, using one of those vacoders or whatever they are called.
I have to laugh at all the people saying it was a lame voice. Come on, if anyone of you were abducted and woke up to that voice talking to you, you would all be crying like a bunch of babies with a load in your drawers. Some people just arent happy unless their bitching about something.
Any hoot...Good acting too. Especially from Jackson.
I also thought that too, about it being a female's voice only after it was modified heavily. OR. It could've been a female's voice normally, but it was altered to make it sound like what they would've heard once they were in a drugged state. *shrugs*
I remember being knocked out after being put under drugs for several surgeries I had to go through. And I would believe that a voice that's drawn out and soothing would be far more believable than a voice that's assertive or strict.
The way they act is also how I acted when I slowly woke up after several hours. Extremely out of focus, barely sitting still with your body swaying around a bit. I remember not being able to move for a while with my own strength as well. The first time I went under "sleep" and woke up, I was laughing my ass off. But the second time I went under, I was crying. So that was awkward. o_o
As someone said...
A female voice would've been ideal though.
But after a while, this voice starts grating on your ears.
I felt so sad when Jonas looked like he was going to cry.
And I feel sad for DB/Jonas.
I hope that they don't believe that Bree doesn't need them anymore.
They need to snap out of it and get her back.