Has that been confirmed by Cassie?lordgreystoke422 wrote:I a lot of people's eyes...they are guilty of Murder...all the wars in the name of religion...and the guy in the picture is not Jesse L Martin.ascend wrote:I think you guys are wrong in looking for convicted killers as the black guy.
The other two (Jesus & Cardinal) were NOT killers, so why should this person be? I'm thinking it's an actor, someone who we *might* recognize, otherwise we wouldn't get any leads.

He has more of a resemblance than the other two..
& Still, it couldn't be actual convicted killers because again, they were convicted. Jesus and Cardinal weren't convicted, contrary to what people want to believe about them being killers (I personally don't have an opinion in the matter).
I'm still really having a doubt that its an obvious killer.. especially since it says WANTED, technically meaning he hasn't been put in jail yet.. none of them have.