0161 - "Subjects Apprehended" 3/26/07

Discuss the latest videos from Bree, Daniel, and others!

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Post by watermelonhead »

Man, I hope that was Gemma , she's so fine! woo
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Post by spiff5000 »

longlostposter wrote:
giddeanx wrote:Ok I said before and I will say it again. This video should actually prove to everyone that niether of the boys are Order.

Don't forget that this is a private video, meaning its interoffice communication, they wouldn't have to fake anything no one else will see it.

Jonas would not have to fake his capture. Because if he is order the order knows it.

Due to the fact that this is a hit confirmation video. Daniel would be shown taking Bree or Jonas, because if he had a trigger and it was to be activated the order would already know.

There is no damning evidence to be had.

Oh Luminous I posted an idea on your first light it got buried quick hope you saw it.
I agree with everything you've said here, gidd, except the part that a triggered Daniel would have been shown on vid. The captor is never shown in any of the abductions, and I don't see why the Order would need to know that Daniel had been triggered. There would have been a plan already in place, and they would have known how it would go down.
How would Daniel have acquired chloroform?

Post by silvermoon »

You know, over everything else in this video -- questions of who did what and why -- what I'm really amazed at is the Order's arrogance. They abducted 3 teens in a busy convenience store in front of the gas pumps. There are obviously other cars around, and at least one bystander pumping gas very close by (arm with the blue shirt).

They grab these kids, chloroform them, throw them in a van and steal their car -- without any fear of being caught. They seem very sure that they are completely untouchable.

Got a lot of balls on 'em.
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Post by Smelltheflowers »

I can't believe I've resorted to re-watching all the videos from the beginning just to take my mind off of the endless speculation and to pass the time until some of the questions will (hopefully) be answered.


Who am I kidding? It's a lot of fun to remind myself where it all began! Everyone looks so young (And it's interesting to think that I never would have imagined this is where they would end up. It all started so innocently)

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Post by house »

They grab these kids, chloroform them, throw them in a van and steal their car -- without any fear of being caught. They seem very sure that they are completely untouchable.
Yeah. Not to mention the fact that most gas stations keep security videos running in the store and pumps.

And, re: helicopter.
You can catch a helicopter RIGHT ON THE STRIP for a nighttime tour of the strip. They run those things on that exact route all day long (and into evening). I realize that there was some symbolization of helicopters, but... if there's any point to them being in the story, they're not there because the creators fronted the money for them.

Post by silvermoon »

house wrote:
They grab these kids, chloroform them, throw them in a van and steal their car -- without any fear of being caught. They seem very sure that they are completely untouchable.
Yeah. Not to mention the fact that most gas stations keep security videos running in the store and pumps.

And, re: helicopter.
You can catch a helicopter RIGHT ON THE STRIP for a nighttime tour of the strip. They run those things on that exact route all day long (and into evening). I realize that there was some symbolization of helicopters, but... if there's any point to them being in the story, they're not there because the creators fronted the money for them.
Yes! I'm better every gas station on the strip has security cameras! Chances are they've been caught on tape abducting the trio.

Don't you think someone would have noticed and called the police? Even if 1/3 of the entire police/government are in the Order (which would be freaking impossible!), there would have to be some that would take this as just some sort of horrible kidnapping.

I guess this is one of those areas you just have to suspend your beliefs for and go with it.
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Post by Misty »

Sappho wrote:
Shaneener wrote:I can't take a screen cap because my laptop is gay,
You have a gay laptop? My laptop is a lesbian. She takes excellent screenshots. Maybe your laptop won't cooperate because he thinks you don't like gays.
wow , and I thought i was the only lonleyfan with a lesbian laptop :mrgreen:
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Post by codeqazplm »

so, may people were wondering who was the captor. I personally think it was cowboy. If you look at the end where the guy is driving off, you can see the hair on his arm. I highly doubt that it would be a girl with that much hair. Also, it would be hard for a girl like, for example, gemma, to take town to guys and a girl with training from Tachyon...
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Post by kellylen »

watermelonhead wrote:Man, I hope that was Gemma , she's so fine! woo
oh man imagine if it actually was Gemma, and Gemma was coming to save them.
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by longlostposter »

giddeanx wrote:
megs229 wrote:Arrgghhhh. I am tired of all the argueing associated with this video. My thoughts are that they should just cough up a new video already so that we can all have something new to ponder :!: :-D
Oh I wouldn't argue with Juli. It's just spirited debate. However, a new video would be great. But just so you know when it comes out, there will be even more arg... oops sorry debate. :smt062
yeah, megs, Gidd and I have a pretty cool relationship; we've fallen into a sparring partners relationship of sorts, but I think we both agree that the other is worth sparring with.

Would you agree, Gidd?

giddeanx wrote:Image
Its not a person at all. Thats where I think my mind was going.

The shoulder that everyone sees is created by the lens filter that is used throughout the film (the shadowy shape around the screen). The hanky is a light. The left arm is also a bank of florecents. The belt is also a light.
Due to the movement in the shot the lights stretched out creating rectangular shapes.
The big clue is how insubstancial the shape is. It does not block or reflect light. In a heavily lighted area more detail would be present.
Nice, Gidd. I see what you are saying, and I think that you might be right.

I've always been of the opinion that reflections are given too much weight in these forums.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

I was just looking at Jessica, Yousef, and Jackson's myspaces and I noticed that all of their quotes say "you jump, I jump"

I highly doubt it but maybe that's an indicator of what's to come for the gang... :?
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Post by giddeanx »

longlostposter wrote: Would you agree, Gidd?
Sure, whats the fun of posting if you don't have someone to bounce ideas off of.
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Post by LadyBugGirl »

Chelseyrl wrote:This whole thread is a joke now. (I'm not saying this just because of your post, there are plenty of other things floating in it that could be trimmed out so this would be smaller and more managable to decipher this vid.)

Agreed. No one reads anyone elses responses so we have the same thing coming up every 2 posts and people are over analyzing everything...


This is turning into a classic light switch thread.
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Post by islandlove »

LadyBugGirl wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:This whole thread is a joke now. (I'm not saying this just because of your post, there are plenty of other things floating in it that could be trimmed out so this would be smaller and more managable to decipher this vid.)

Agreed. No one reads anyone elses responses so we have the same thing coming up every 2 posts and people are over analyzing everything...


This is turning into a classic light switch thread.

that light switch was the reason i joined
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Post by nick_caskey9 »

ya... kinda new here

but umm probly get sum criticism


i think that they did fake this


the video b4 this

they said they need to stop making videos

which led the order to them

and well

what if they faked being kidnapped?

wouldnt you (if u were in the order) think ... "shit, who the f**k kidnapped them?"

and maybe thats what they are trying to get the order to think

ummm ya

or its an april fools day joke

like sum1 said..


cant wait for the next one
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