Nothing can convince me otherwise

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Bree and Jonas are...

meant to procreate for some creepy Order-related reason
just random strangers who met up blah blah I'm stupid
Total votes: 50


Post by silvermoon »

giddeanx wrote:
The only scenario I could see is Jonas's parents have Jonas. They are all happy blah blah blah. They have a second child Bree. Bree is taken from them when Jonas is 3 (he would not remember). Due to the fact that she is special yada yada yada. Jonas parents, not very happy with the situation become anti-order, down with the babysnatchers and stuff. They may even inform Jonas that he has a sister somewhere. The order kidnaps Jonas's parents as they are sailing. You wouldn't want to kill what made such an excellent offspring. They make Jonas and others think they are dead. All covered up nice and pretty.
Makes perfect sense to me. Perhaps the Order has Jonas' parents holed up somewhere trying to get them to produce more perfect girl babies! A breeding program for the Order.
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Post by Inigo »

Some sort of prophecy will turn up later too, then?

Post by Lurker »

giddeanx wrote:The only scenario I could see is Jonas's parents have Jonas. They are all happy blah blah blah. They have a second child Bree. Bree is taken from them when Jonas is 3 (he would not remember). Due to the fact that she is special yada yada yada. Jonas parents, not very happy with the situation become anti-order, down with the babysnatchers and stuff. They may even inform Jonas that he has a sister somewhere. The order kidnaps Jonas's parents as they are sailing. You wouldn't want to kill what made such an excellent offspring. They make Jonas and others think they are dead. All covered up nice and pretty.
Seems like a pretty good idea to me. If they decide to go the sibling route, that would be the way to do it, I'd say.
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Re: Nothing can convince me otherwise

Post by joygasm »

janesalteredstates wrote:Bree and Jonas are brother and sister.
They are now searching for THEIR parents.

That is that.

Try to persuade me. I dare you.
I couldn't have said it better.
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Re: Nothing can convince me otherwise

Post by Sami »

joygasm wrote:
janesalteredstates wrote:Bree and Jonas are brother and sister.
They are now searching for THEIR parents.

That is that.

Try to persuade me. I dare you.
I couldn't have said it better.
I agree
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Post by cbizzle44 »

giddeanx wrote:
:!: :!: Speculation Warning the Following is Only Sepeculation if any of the Ideas in this Speculation are True You Will See it in a Video :!: :!:

The only scenario I could see is Jonas's parents have Jonas. They are all happy blah blah blah. They have a second child Bree. Bree is taken from them when Jonas is 3 (he would not remember). Due to the fact that she is special yada yada yada. Jonas parents, not very happy with the situation become anti-order, down with the babysnatchers and stuff. They may even inform Jonas that he has a sister somewhere. The order kidnaps Jonas's parents as they are sailing. You wouldn't want to kill what made such an excellent offspring. They make Jonas and others think they are dead. All covered up nice and pretty.

Keep in mind friends this was only speculation, thank you.
yeah i pretty much completely agree with you
but i also want them to be in love
i'm torn
but i totally agree with you
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Post by islandlove »

PolkadotConfederation wrote:I also think that Bree and Jonas are siblings. I didn't think so at first, but the theory is starting to grow on me.

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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Stop spelling sibling with a y.

Sorry, back on topic.
I understand the logic behind this theory, I've just never been a fan. It would be boring and stupid. I don't really care if they fall in love either. I don't really care if anyone in this series falls in love. I just want them to all kick ass.
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Post by bunnyonsteroids »

i think that it would be too much of a coinsidence to have them be brother and sister. .. just a bit too perfect don'y you think?!
whats bright coloured, amazingly abstract, random and plain old hyper?

thats right


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Post by silvermoon »

More perfect than a millionaire orphan that just happened to be watching their videos and offer them his complete devotion and rooms in his mansion? Who later also turns out to have parents with a connection to the Order (or anti-Order)?

Or hooking up with a butt kicking anti-Order chick with access to a helicopter right in the nick of time to rescue Daniel?

At this point, I'm thinking just about anything goes.
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Post by exanimatebylove »

bunnyonsteroids wrote:i think that it would be too much of a coinsidence to have them be brother and sister. .. just a bit too perfect don'y you think?!
*mwah* Angie! ;)

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Post by Sami »

exanimatebylove wrote:
bunnyonsteroids wrote:i think that it would be too much of a coinsidence to have them be brother and sister. .. just a bit too perfect don'y you think?!
star wars...?
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Sami wrote:
exanimatebylove wrote:
bunnyonsteroids wrote:i think that it would be too much of a coinsidence to have them be brother and sister. .. just a bit too perfect don'y you think?!
star wars...?
Exactly. It's been done. At least be a little more original, Creators.
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Post by Luminous »

Jonas and Bree are clones conceived in test tubes of the same genetic material. I guess that makes them syblings in a strange sort of way - who may also have been designed to breed with each other in some even stranger Order ceremony. :twisted:
You made a wise choice, Bree.
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Post by pariah164 »

Ok, you are acting like an uppity bastard, but other than that, how about YOU convince ME of your arguement before I refute it?
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