Love love love this video! okay, just a few things....
I heard the strange noises during Brees thing at the foosball place too. Kind of odd but probably just someone rocking in a squeeky chair or something.
Sooo, they are staying in a hotel again. Notice they have two beds this time. So does this mean that the boys are sleeping together again or does Jonas just like the bath tub that much??? lmao
I loved the interaction between Jonas and Bree. Guess my dreams are coming true, well at least my hopes for Bree anyways
*Totally off topic but I thought that some people might get a kick out of it

I had a dream the other night that was one of those dreams that really doesn't make any sense at all, you know differennt people and you jump locations without knowing and stuff like that lol. Anyways the jist of the dream was that somehow, lol Jackson picked me

, (i'm sure i'm not the only one with this part of the dream

lol) and that we figured out that the reason the order wanted Bree was for M&M testing,

(I'm pretty sure that I am definately the only one with this part of the dream!! ) Okay so I will let the discussion get back to something more productive once again
Oh yeah, anyone know exactly what this dude is doing

??? just curious