If they just left it at that, not being agressive or anything, i'd sure as shizer be flattered!! but i'm straight, so i think i'd actually be depressed if a woman hit on me like that. "no guys are into me; only lesbians!!"<--eventual train of thought after hypothetical incidentLanguorous Lass wrote:Well, I thought the guy was clearly being depicted as a freak (that whole tonguing-the-corkscrew thing). While the woman was simply being depicted as drunk and into young guys.
I wouldn't be flattered by having a freak coming on to me (regardless of the freak's gender) -- simply grossed out. Whereas if a drunk person I thought was moderately attractive, but just drunk, came on to me, I'd just be flabbergasted, or amused, or both -- depending on the circumstances.
yeah, no one ever looks at me or anything, never been on a date......never been kissed.....

edit -- to clarify