lyriclyinclined wrote:the postal service didnt write that song "such great hights" its actually by a band called iron and wine. who are also freaking fabulous! ok... so this is really off topic but i got fake nails today(for like the second time in my life) and im finding that they SERIOUSLY interfering with my typing skills.
i was just about to say that
I didn't know you were secure enough in your masculinity to get fake nails! (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
FuturePeter is my make believe boyfriend.
When in doubt, go straight to sex. --Jack Coleman (HRG)
HA! thats awesome.... but yeah its kind of a pet peve of mine when people give credit to groups who didnt actually write the song. though i understand, i mean if you dont listen to that band how would you know... but it irks me for some reason. actually though the WORST is when people mislabel songs, i had someone trying to tell me frank sinatras "someone to watch over me" was ELVIS... i almost hit her. she argued with me about it for like ten off topic.
" hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable"
We can't post boob off pictures in the common threads, but PM me your entries, and I will pass them along to a panel of judges to be named later, and we'll declare a winner.
Come on, Nilla and Romance! I think Mirage said she'd win this competition too!
Ok so seeing as this board talks about religion rather a lot, I thought it would be interesting to see what religion its members were.
I was raised a Roman Catholic, went to Catholic school, and I thought it gave me a good moral grounding and sense of community, but as I've got older I've seen things in the Catholic church that I do not like or agree with. I consider myself very open minded and respectful of other peoples beliefs but the man made rules in the church baffle me at times. I still feel connected with catholicism but I do not adhere to a lot of the rules (contraception, sex before marriage) and so I could never call myself a practising catholic because I would never want to insult people that do follow the 'rules'.
There are some days that I feel that I am happy without a set religion at the time being, because I really do believe that we all more or less believe in the same entity, we just interpret it in different ways. I tend to try in my life to be a good person with morals and at the moment I feel like that is enough. There are times though, when I miss the sense of community and the spiritual side of things, I think if I was to be interested in a religion other than christianity, it would be the Bahá'í faith. It seems to be very peaceful and respectful of other beliefs.
So I'll just put it out there, what religion are you, if any?
I'm Roman Catholic, and I go to catholic schools. I don't beleive in 'no sex before marraige' or 'no contraception' either.
But, I am a practicing Roman Catholic, even if I don't beleive in some of the teachings.
i was raised christian, then went to catholic school, then to an episcalpalian (spelling?) church. and throughout my entire life, i haven't seen a single difference in any of them. i'm not VERY religious now, but i guess i'd be considered christian, but i personally think tha religions are just another thing of segregation, so i try not to get too involved with religions.
This world will never be what I expected.
And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?
I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for about ten years of my life. I, however, am not Catholic. I consider myself agnostic. I can't really see myself ever fully belonging to or believing in any faith.