Who died??

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Who died??

Post by cbizzle44 »

our akita... evita!

ok. had to quote rent for a second
back to the point
i've been out of this side of the forum for a little while. coming back, i have to ask-
WHAT HAPPENED? there are all these posts like "everything that's happening is totally immoral and out, i'm going to go somewhere else" and "what's going to happen to opaphid?" so basically i'm muy confused

something about glenn and pictures and "shilling" ?????

it's like, at the end of "the unthinkable happened", we all *knew/speculated* that someone was shot, but nobody knew who. that's me. what's going on?
currently chewing ice breakers sours gum

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Post by Lurker »

The best response I can offer is to just read this news article:

http://www.argn.com/archive/000566shake ... paphid.php

It's really something that only a handful of people even know the full details of, and the forum is trying to move on at this point.
Last edited by Lurker on Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Onewen »

Thanks Lurker...I wasn't sure how to respond. How does one even begin to sum up the last few days?? :cry:

Post by Lurker »

Onewen wrote:Thanks Lurker...I wasn't sure how to respond. How does one even begin to sum up the last few days?? :cry:
Yeah, I know. I thought about it for a second or two and then went straight for the news article. I knew there was nothing any of us could say to summarize it, and probably none of us are in any position to try.
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Post by cbizzle44 »

thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou x100000
i vaguely know what's going on now
like they said,
Hopefully this is a minor disruption in what has been a popular and interesting ARG.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I've been following everything and just not talking much. I felt I should probably keep my opinions to myself, as I don't know much.

All I'll say is that I'm bored out of my mind and something new had better happen soon.
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Post by cosmicdancer »

I totally missed all this too.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

trust me, you all should be thankful that you missed it.

it was the drama-lympics.

YOU: Who does that KTS think she is? Total bitch!

ME: I think I'm you, only better.

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Post by wintermute »

Thanks, Lurker, for answering cbizzle44's question. And thanks, JustAnotherLonelyGirl, for the wisdom of knowing that sharing one's opinion publicly isn't always the best course of action ;)

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Post by bethy »

sharing one's opinion publicly isn't always the best course of action

...tell me about it. :? :lol:
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Post by Morgan »

it was quite a shock to come to the boards and see all the commotion. I'm glad it's subsiding and I hope the fan base who said they were leaving changes their mind. =/

This seriously is my favorite show, almost even more than LOST. I can't imagine refusing to watch. :lol:
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Post by cbizzle44 »

thanks everyone for explaining
i also hope people don't actually leave
that would be sad
and i hope they find a new pm soon
because i *miss* oppy
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

Killthesmiley wrote:trust me, you all should be thankful that you missed it.

it was the drama-lympics.
LOL; reminds me of what i said to my sister once.

I had a bit of an iffy/concerned look on my face, and I go "Anna, you know that girl Dorcus?"

And she just goes off!!

"Oh my gosh! You don't like her? Aw man, was she a jerk? I was hoping you two could be friends! You guys are so alike! Man, I can;t believe it screwed up..."

and she keeps GOING like this for about a full minute!! I just stare at her like :smt104, wanting to see how deep a hole she could dig herself into from me mentioning a name. Then it hit me. :twisted:

I lean over and start checking her legs till she asks "what are you doing?"

I go "just making sure you didn't pull anything from jumping to such conclusions!!"

X-D oh how we rofl'ed that day....

I got to use that on her a second time within the same week! :-D life was gooooood.
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