JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I kind of wonder which side of the family Alex is from. Jonas's mom or dad's sister. His dad was obviously strongly against the Order. I wonder if his mom felt differently.
EXCELLENT question.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Or, is it possible that his mom and aunt Alex were raised as Order Babies, like Bree, Tachyon, and Gemma? If that is so, then maybe Jonas's mom WAS anti-Order, and Aunt Alex followed the Order's path. That would make more sense, because it would be weird for an Order member to marry an Anti-Order member. Unless they weren't really married or really Jonas's parents, like Bree's. But that would be a little corny.
Or unless Jonas's father started out as a member of the Order, and then became disillusioned.
Lurker wrote:That was a really weird video. Am I the only one confused by most of what happened (Alex's fight with that one guy, whatever the hell was going on with Daniel and another guy toward the end, half of what was said period)?
Yeah, but I think that was intentional -- to give us a lot of material to decipher.
Lurker wrote:I wonder if these are the iPod Opera goons or something.
Er . . . who?
Lurker wrote:By the way, the peeking woman in the striped shirt kind of looks like Nikki Bower to me - but I don't think she'd be in here, would she?
I thought maybe it was . . . Cassie.
longlostposter wrote:Did Jonas NOT take the room key?
Guess not.
Maybe he really
is gay.
joygasm wrote:The first thing I do when I go into a house... whether its a party or not... is look at the artwork and pictures and more or less assess my surroundings.

Hm. Maybe you should be a detective.
HisGirl wrote:Fashionistas??? hmpf.
Haven't you ever noticed that fashion designers never wear the clothes they design? They're always in black, or jeans, or black jeans.
HyeMew wrote:Well now that was something completely different..
I think they got Samuel Beckett as a guest writer for that one.

Great one, HyeMew.
AM wrote:Daniel is acting like he did right before he was kidnapped. It's the combination of strong drink and a pretty girl that does him in ever time, his 'trigger' if you will.
I seriously think that drinking is his trigger. I'd lay odds that in one of the next few vids, his "DannyB" personality will be in control again.
EEVEE wrote:I though that the man yelling at Alex was an old flame and mad that she's out with a teenager. . . Oh, and when Jonas is saying, "We gotta go", I thought it was because someone was looking for him but it felt more like to me that he was just really uncomfortable with Daniel+Alex=

Yep. Just . . . yep.
wh_pirate wrote:OK I just had a "DUH" moment pop into my mind. If Auntie is with the order, then she would know how Daniel loosens up with drinks. And that means she would be the one to "encourage" Daniel to have 1 more, in turn get him to start talking. . .
Great thought.
kwicherbichen wrote:b) Where any of the guests people that his aunt listed their initials????!!!
No. Those people are all dead or mysteriously missing.
kwicherbichen wrote:Grr, it's on this same page! Page 11 >_< Why isn't anyone looking at it?
Probably because those questions are answered in either (a) the
"New to LG15? Start Here!" thread or (b)
the "My Hand Hurts" video.
Since you're new to the forum, you might think about being more polite and more patient when you ask questions. Lots of people are reading and posting in video threads right after the videos go up on the site, and it's entirely conceivable that the answer to a question on page 11 won't show up till page, say, 22 or later (like this post will).