Jonas's Aunt

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by msbabyblue20 »

After seeing the picture of Alex and the blonde woman that looks a lot like lucy. I am positive that Alex is with the order and killed Jonas' parents. Argue what u want but im 100% positive.
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Post by JohnBigbootie »

Don't be mean. You don't need to be mean. Just remember: No matter where you go, there you are
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Post by longlostposter »

JohnBigbootie wrote:Image
Wow, John, you really are working hard to bring this Gaylien thing into the rest of the forum, aren't you?

I deduce from this picture, that this house is haunted (no Gayliens), and that the light under Lucy in this pic is the spirit of Jonas's parents attempting to point out their killer.

You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
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