I wanted to quote this, as I think a lot of people have felt this way for a while, but we jsut didn't know if it was really validated, until now.chixor1 wrote:Killthesmiley wrote:I think the issues with the IRC was the fact that a small portion of the regular members felt like the needed a private, passowrd protected chat. It kind of enforces the distaste that a lot of us have. Only a select few are allowed to go, so its a problem, as obviously the on goings of puzzle solving weren't kept in the two designated places that some of these few members clearly enforced. They were spread out all over, into places that not everyone can participate in.
Agreed absolutely.
As I have expressed a few times the idea of creating a group of "elite" players whether the players deemed themselves that, or the nature of the game did, is a big mistake.
The point of the game is for everyone to work together to solve the puzzles and get the next clues.
Granted some of it is limited in regards to drops etc, but we should be excited for those who are lucky enough to be in a drop location and support them completely.
However by shunning players because they are not part of the "in"crowd does not help the game, it stops people playing who were genuinly interested in playing the game, and reduces the number of people working on puzzles.
That person who was told to get lost for whatever reason may just be the one person who has the knowledge or tools or just brainstorms enough to crack that code.
Instead the game resorts to bartering for solves because not everyone is playing.
With the information that we have, we discover not only was there a group who seemily didn't like to share game play, but felt that they had to go to the extend of creating a private, secret, password protected chat room that only a select few knew about.
I'm not choosing to use the word elitist, for many reason. But I would like to say, in an ARG, this is highly unacceptable. And I know, many of you agree.
We have discussed the issues behind a certain group of people a long time, and now we finally have information that solidfies our problems.
I just want comments on feelings that some of us players might feel. Some of us players feel like we're outsiders, when we shouldn't feel that way. It's insulting to us, and to the creators.