[Chat] Frank on IRC

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[Chat] Frank on IRC

Post by Hodabes »

Though we didn't know it at the time, Frank came to our IRC chat earlier tonight.

*** Join: Frank6
<Frank6> Nice videos
<Frank6> I hope there is a special place in hell for you people.
<Frank6> I will see you there.
*** Quit: Frank6 (Client Quit)

After he posted in his blog that it had in fact been him, he came back, I spotted the IP and set the channel so that only Frank and the operators could speak, and Cu_Roi was able to have a good conversation for a few minutes:

*** Join: frak9
<frak9> who made the videos
<Cu_Roi> well we think the same person that you hear in your head
<Cu_Roi> she wrangled us in as well
<Cu_Roi> she's looking for help
<Cu_Roi> wen just don't know how to help her
<frak9> i'll play along. how did you record my voice whispering with hers like that?
<Cu_Roi> we didn't make the videos Frank
<frak9> you epople need to get your dties straight
<Cu_Roi> brb gotta take a piss
<Cu_Roi> i'm gonna answer nature first
<Hodabes> You've seen the videos. Do you remember being there?
<frak9> yeah, i thought so. no swwer
<Hodabes> And the page of the bible we found, was that the page you lost?
<frak9> yeah, i recognize the sg
<Cu_Roi> i'm back
<Hodabes> Then if we're not real, you must be the one making the game
<frak9> yeah, that was a nice touch. but how hard is it for you to come here and rip a page from my room?
<Hodabes> Pretty hard if I'm not real
<frak9> EASIER if you're not rweal
<frak9> that's the point
<Cu_Roi> well pretty hard Frank, we don't know exactly where you are
<Cu_Roi> i hate it when folks say i'm not real
<frak9> if all thyis is about a girl named bree, how come i have never heard of her?
<frak9> why me?
<Cu_Roi> have you seen the one video
<frak9> your stoy makes no sense.
<Cu_Roi> the one called Casket of Tears
<Cu_Roi> ?
<Cu_Roi> I did make thatone
<Cu_Roi> if you look
<frak9> this is my story now, then the other one, they have my voice. i only watched some of the others qwith the cute giurl
<Cu_Roi> there's braclet on my arm
<frak9> i didn't see tat one
<Cu_Roi> if we ever meet you'll see the same braclet
<Cu_Roi> it's one of a kind
<frak9> i have no doubt
<Cu_Roi> my pop had it made for me in Nepal
<Cu_Roi> so chill for a second
<Cu_Roi> entertain the idea that we're real
<frak9> i am. it is a very entertaiing idea
<Cu_Roi> you're doing that for the other voice right
<frak9> i KNOW she is rea;
<Cu_Roi> well if we made the videos then we have to be real
<Cu_Roi> right?
<frak9> or none of it is reeal. there are a lot of possibilitiers
<frak9> ok
<Cu_Roi> yeah but why get over excited...
<Cu_Roi> roll with it
<Cu_Roi> you sem like a good ole boy
<Cu_Roi> please
<Cu_Roi> I'm just telling you to stop insulting me
<Cu_Roi> cuz I'm real
<frak9> deal
<Cu_Roi> not nice to say
<Cu_Roi> well only if you do
<Cu_Roi> so when did she start talking to you?
<Cu_Roi> heheh
<Cu_Roi> deal then
<Cu_Roi> i've been hitting the bottle too
<Cu_Roi> well several
<Cu_Roi> but aside from that
<frak9> i can'tr afford makers
<Cu_Roi> when?
<Cu_Roi> heheh
<Cu_Roi> i was just sayin
<Cu_Roi> didn't mean to piss you off
<frak9> fair enough
<frak9> brb piss
<Cu_Roi> just a drinkers thing
<frak9> i know you people have been in here.
<Cu_Roi> well yeah if you mean here as in the chat room
<frak9> motel room
<Cu_Roi> naw
<Cu_Roi> not there
<Cu_Roi> the east fork yes
<Cu_Roi> we saw that first video
<frak9> but why take the painting but not the frame? just to f**k with me?
<Cu_Roi> and followed it
<Cu_Roi> painting?
<Cu_Roi> what painting?
<frak9> the frame was nicer than the paitning. you made the awrong choice, imh
<frak9> are you willing to talk to me in person?
<Cu_Roi> absolutely
<Cu_Roi> just tell me when and where
<Cu_Roi> i want to figure this out
<frak9> when you show up, i want you to be wearing a yellow suit and be ten feet tall
<Cu_Roi> can't happen
<frak9> why not?
<Cu_Roi> I'm not in the circus
<Cu_Roi> I will have red beard and look like this :myspace.com\curoi
<frak9> i have to go
*** Quit: frak9 ("Java user signed off")
Last edited by Hodabes on Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bosquelito »

(01:59:34) frak9 [[email protected]] entered the room.
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Post by kgurl84 »

I definitely think bosquelito is onto something with the misspellings......

If the word was capitalized and misspelled, that letter would make sense to be the beginning of a sentence.

Also, in his blog, there are some random punctuation marks as well as even more misspellings.
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Post by heyiknowsyou »

This was quite possibly the best fifteen minutes of my life, watching all of this unfold. :)

i want to say its him...cause its definitly more interesting than saying his blog was gamejacked... And if it is gamejacked, then it kept me awake and alert enough to finish algebra homework.
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Post by DeepBlueRug »

Can someone please give a synopsis of what was discussed?
Edit: Found it. http://lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1546
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Post by Woo »

bosquelito wrote:(01:59:34) frak9 [[email protected]] entered the room.
It's a CA IP.
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Post by PprKut »

"<frak9> this is my story now, then the other one, they have my voice. i only watched some of the others qwith the cute giurl"

Which video has his voice? Is it Revelation 1?
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Post by bosquelito »

kgurl84 wrote:I definitely think bosquelito is onto something with the misspellings......

If the word was capitalized and misspelled, that letter would make sense to be the beginning of a sentence.

Also, in his blog, there are some random punctuation marks as well as even more misspellings.

Figured maybe Cassie/Bree was channelling through him....
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Post by TheChessboardWoman »

heyiknowsyou wrote:This was quite possibly the best fifteen minutes of my life, watching all of this unfold. :)
Hell yes.
- Paige, an official member of the Smooth Operators.
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Post by bosquelito »

PprKut wrote:"<frak9> this is my story now, then the other one, they have my voice. i only watched some of the others qwith the cute giurl"

Which video has his voice? Is it Revelation 1?
That's the theory.
Supposedly a girl's voice and also a guy's voice saying "Can you hear her" separately.

Were they almost on top of each other, one in reverse to the other or anything?
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Post by PprKut »

bosquelito wrote:
Figured maybe Cassie/Bree was channelling through him....
I feel that Frank has a voice in his head named Cassie
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Post by kgurl84 »

Cassie logged in just a little bit ago. The description for the Revelation video is now "Frank is sleeping."
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Post by absolution »

The mispellings are probably supposed to indicate that he's been snuggling up with Mr. Jack Daniels again.
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Post by kgurl84 »

I dunno, something about all of the misspellings just doesn't seem right; there are too many of them. There are even some in the entries that I would assume would be minus good ol' Jack....

...maybe I'm just too sleep deprived from all of this and at this point, everything seems like a clue :wink:
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Post by PprKut »

kgurl84 wrote:I dunno, something about all of the misspellings just doesn't seem right; there are too many of them. There are even some in the entries that I would assume would be minus good ol' Jack....

...maybe I'm just too sleep deprived from all of this and at this point, everything seems like a clue :wink:
I feel the same way. It doesn't make sense that there are way too many of them.

If you look at a lot of them, we don't know what word he is trying to say beacuse of the mispelling.