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Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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For all LG15 Fans

Post by itsreallyreal »

This is an issue I think ALL LG15 fans should at LEAST be aware of...

Please read the current members statements in this thread regarding the ARG...
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Post by longlostposter »

Are you saying that the PM (Greg, is it?) gave answers out in the ARG in exchange for nude pictures of the players (or someone else)? How did you find this out exactly? That thread seems to be throwing a lot of accusations out, but never explains how they came to be, and what evidence backs it up.

I don't mean to be callous, but I've never played the ARG, and sometimes felt in took away from the pleasure viewer's experience. The fact that you felt you needed to post this link here seems vindictive to me.

What evidence is there to back up these nude photo claims? Let's not forget, this is the Internet, and anyone can post any crazy thing; but it doesn't give it credence.

I know the ARG meant a lot to you all, and I'm sorry that it may be ending so dissappointingly. However, I still think you may be jumping to conclusions.

There always seem to be people on these boards who are hell-bent on causing disruption, could this have originated with one of those people? Could it be people from another site like this that are jealous?

Don't jump to conclusions. The Internet is a very tricky place.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

longlostposter wrote:Are you saying that the PM (Greg, is it?) gave answers out in the ARG in exchange for nude pictures of the players (or someone else)? How did you find this out exactly? That thread seems to be throwing a lot of accusations out, but never explains how they came to be, and what evidence backs it up.

I don't mean to be callous, but I've never played the ARG, and sometimes felt in took away from the pleasure viewer's experience. The fact that you felt you needed to post this link here seems vindictive to me.

What evidence is there to back up these nude photo claims? Let's not forget, this is the Internet, and anyone can post any crazy thing; but it doesn't give it credence.

I know the ARG meant a lot to you all, and I'm sorry that it may be ending so dissappointingly. However, I still think you may be jumping to conclusions.

There always seem to be people on these boards who are hell-bent on causing disruption, could this have originated with one of those people? Could it be people from another site like this that are jealous?

Don't jump to conclusions. The Internet is a very tricky place.
I plan to give you the benefit of the doubt here because you are 100% correct... You are not involved in the ARG community... So there are allot of holes for you... I will make it clear...

Some ARG players had a "secret" IRC chat that was pasword protected... In that chat it was stated by the people involved that all these things were happening... Somone posted the chatlog from that chat in the IRC on the forum here (it has since been removed)... MANY very respected posters and participants of the ARG have come forward to legitimize this information... It is in your own judgement to decide what you believe.

The reason I posted here was NOT random or vendictive or intended to do anything but maek the non-arg community aware of what was going on. I did not state an opinion of how I feel about it here nore did I post anything "calling anyone out"... I am simply letting you all know that something of a serious nature is being discussed and looked into on this forum involving the people who run/create this site and series.

Please feel free to do with the information as you please... I am just making sure everyone is at least aware that an issue has been brought to light...

PS - Go to the Parallax thread and you will see that everything is locked down... THIS is a fact.. and it is just another clue as to the involvement of the members who run this site.

Thanks and my apologies to anyone offended...
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Post by Libra »

Wow that is a very SERIOUS accusation people are bringing up. Sexual Harrassment is nothing to joke or kid about. I hope there is proof to back up this claim. I'd hate to see someone's reputation ruined because someone else was mad and made something up.

EDIT: It is very important that everyone read that thread posted above...
Last edited by Libra on Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mvidrine »

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Post by Leaven »

So very disappointing. I wasn't active in the ARG, but followed it lurkerstyle. Mainly because I hadn't been able to figure any parts of the puzzles that hadn't already been solved. Now I'm glad I didn't!

I'm very interested into what the creators will do and say about this situation.
Last edited by Leaven on Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ziola »

Please read the entire thread...there is more proof there.
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

I agree with LLP, where is the evidence? From what I've read, no one wants to point fingers or name names, but to make this credible thats what they need to do. If these people were doing this they deserve it anyway.
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Post by Sami »

What is going on. wtf? I wanna talk to BK or the creators. wft is this? I mean... what?
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Post by trainer101 »

As a non-player and non IRC user, I do not have any first hand knowledge or information regarding the allegations that have been made. I have had some conversations with a couple of the players and it appears, at first glance, that there are differing versions of the same story.

Additionally, I would like to echo TigerLilyLynn’s caution to be very careful with your allegations – especially if you are not directly involved in any incident. Speculating about what may or may not have happened is just that – speculation. Only those involved know the details and they seem to vary depending on the person.

I will refrain from speculation and further comment without the facts as the Creators have posted a response to the situation HERE.
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Post by Ziola »

Glenn has been fired as PM. My bad for not being more specific. :oops:
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Post by Sami »

I'm scared
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Post by trainer101 »

The Creators only said that Glenn will no longer be the PM of OpAphid. I do not know whether that extends to his creative input in the LG15 storyline. I guess we will have to wait and see.
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Post by longlostposter »

Ziola wrote:Glenn has been fired as PM. My bad for not being more specific. :oops:
NOt to be nasty, Ziola, but what did you expect?
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Post by ARIES1 »

Definitely makes me extra-appreciative that we have trainer on our forums!
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