In Defense of Glenn

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Post by Killthesmiley »

canadas_baby wrote:
chixor1 wrote:In the interest of trying to be diplomatic about it all, there really is no reason why Glenn couldn't still be involved in the OpAphid game.
However what his involvement would be, is something that should be seriously discussed. At this point in time obviously a lot of people do not trust him as a PM, there is no reason why his creative participation cannot continue however.
Maybe they need to get some help / advice from people who have PM'ed an ARG before, and allow someone else to be involved in character participation.
Glenn still has the knowledge of the story to continue as a writer or creater of the videos or puzzles.
I agree chix, if the correct actions are taken, I think everyone could be pleased with the outcome.
I too am going to agree with this.
If the correct path is taken, and certain measures to ensure privacy are taken, then OpAphid will be ... well...decent.

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Post by Luminous »

Kasdeja wrote:
Luminous wrote:
chixor1 wrote: Exactly trusting a PM is very important when it comes to participating, and if any solves at all whether for naked pictures or not, were given to players, thats unacceptable.
My point still, is it worth ruining someones life over?
chixor1 wrote: If it were a bartered trade, however then that becomes an abuse of power.
So who is it, specifically, that supposedly bartered nude pics for game solutions? Is it known? Or are these merely vague allegations? Is there hard evidence, or just hearsay?
If he made his bed, let him lie in it. only he can defend himself. You stated you didn't even read everything.
I'm sure he will defend himself. I just have to say this whole thing wreeks of jealousy and spitefulness.

I did read the beginning of the posts - about three pages of the thread ladron started, and it turned my stomach. They sound like jilted lovers who just don't get it when the relationship starts to change, and decide if they can't get what they want, they will destroy the person they loved.

I really hope this whole thing burns out really quickly, and that Glenn is still left standing. I don't think he deserves this.
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Post by surrealisticpill »

The only reason I became a member of this forum was because of OpAphid. Before that, I passively watched lg15 and CiW. It wasn't until OpAphid came along that I felt compelled to become involved, to actually interact with the story - something the Creators have stressed as a high priority. My level of fan interaction was completely inspired by the story, puzzles, and characters that Glenn created. To lose Glenn is to lose a group of highly interactive fans, as demonstrated by many posts in this thread. I have been involved with OpAphid since the beginning, and to allow someone else to take over the ARG and the characters would be cheating the fans. It would never be the same.

Whoever "temporalmemory" is, I wish you would reveal yourself, and your reasons for trying to ruin someone's career and destroy everything they have worked so hard on.

As far as the shill issue, I have to admit that I would have preferred to see hints and clues given in a different way, but maybe that was not possible at the time. The puzzles needed to get solved in time for the next story point. Since we were decoding Tachyon's drops as agents working for OpAphid, it wouldn't make sense story-wise for Tachyon to give us clues, and it wouldn't make sense for Op to do it either. I agree that it's not 'fair' to single out players and give them hints (and by the way, as far as I know, no one had the answers handed to them directly, just clues). Glenn wrote awesome puzzles and had an excellent story, and did what he thought was necessary for us to enjoy it to its fullest. So while I'm a bit upset about the shilling, I can forgive it, because I still enjoyed playing the game.

We have gotten to know each other well in the IRC, and we've become close friends. I am there frequently and I'm also an operator of the chanel. And yes, there has been some exchange of nude or sexy pics between chatters. It seems to me that most of the veteran female players have already stated that Glenn did NOT approach them and ask them for pics. As far as I'm concerned, FallingIntoSin's story was an isolated incident, and the truth may be skewed. I can say that I have NEVER exchanged pictures in return for answers or hints. And Glenn has never said anything to me about giving him photos in exchange for answers. I think this whole situation has been blown entirely out of proportion.

Creators, please listen to those of us who are posting in Glenn's defense. He hasn't asked us to do this. We truly care about the ARG, the story, and we feel that the person responsible for the game we love has been truly wronged.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

Well I don;t see this thing recovering because everyone is attached to knowing what happened and MANY have actually already taken sides... The community is split.. This isn;t the kind of thing that heals overnight by any stretch...
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Post by Luminous »

Success is a hard mistress. You immediately become a target. Glens true mastery of the game will be proven in whether or not he weathers this and lands on his feet. I'm rooting for you Glen.
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Post by immortal1 »

Just as someone on the outside, magicians and wrestling promoters have been using shills forever. I don't see how an ARG could not have shills. If someone was playing an ARG and was convinced there were no shills its probably because it was done really really well.

When something like this happens in real life they take the guy out of the high profile job and kick him into "the front office." Worst case scenario it was unethical not illegal.
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Post by chixor1 »

immortal1 wrote:Just as someone on the outside, magicians and wrestling promoters have been using shills forever. I don't see how an ARG could not have shills. If someone was playing an ARG and was convinced there were no shills its probably because it was done really really well.

When something like this happens in real life they take the guy out of the high profile job and kick him into "the front office." Worst case scenario it was unethical not illegal.
Agreed that it was more unethical than illegal, but there are many many ARGs that have been succesfull without the need for shills and most PM's will actualy put a stop to anyone trying to shill in the first place.
Shilling begins when the identity of the PM is released and a good PM will not release their identity.
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Post by tigerlilylynn »

Luminous wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:
Luminous wrote: My point still, is it worth ruining someones life over?
So who is it, specifically, that supposedly bartered nude pics for game solutions? Is it known? Or are these merely vague allegations? Is there hard evidence, or just hearsay?
If he made his bed, let him lie in it. only he can defend himself. You stated you didn't even read everything.
I'm sure he will defend himself. I just have to say this whole thing wreeks of jealousy and spitefulness.

I did read the beginning of the posts - about three pages of the thread ladron started, and it turned my stomach. They sound like jilted lovers who just don't get it when the relationship starts to change, and decide if they can't get what they want, they will destroy the person they loved.

I really hope this whole thing burns out really quickly, and that Glenn is still left standing. I don't think he deserves this.
Please do not confuse TemporalMemory and those crying "ZOMG illegal!!!1!!" with those of us who have been, for quite some time, looking for the "hiatus" to end and the golden age to return.

Also, and this is to everyone. Stop gunning for one another. That's worse than any of the other shit that's gone down thus far. Recognize who you are actually mad at and take it there. Example: I'm mad at Glenn for not continuing his game after mid December. I'm also mad at the creators because I'm pretty damn sure the lag is their doing. Thus, I will not attack the players on this board because it is not their fault that I feel hurt.
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Post by Luv2Luvem »

Luminous wrote: It's so good to see someone being reasonable. In the United States, we have a tradition (many of you seem to have forgotten) "Innocent until proven guilty" by rules of evidence and law. From what I've seen here, there's nothing but speculation and innuendo - mostly coming from people who's emotions are incited. It's like mob rule. If there are any facts, then lay them out. If not this is just a big drama.
I quite agree. The people who have come forward, talk of the xx/xy puzzle. This was months ago. And now all of the sudden there are all these accusations being thrown around. Coincidentaly just when people are all riled up about the lack of activity. We haven't even heard both sides of the story. I'm not saying these things didn't happen, but I'm saying that before we make anymore wild accusations we wait to see what both sides say.
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Post by loobylou »

I think maybe some people are running for the hills because they are embarrassed to be exposed?
Can't we all just get along?
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Post by tigerlilylynn »

loobylou wrote:I think maybe some people are running for the hills because they are embarrassed to be exposed?
The bulk of the resignations came before the drama this morning. Also these weren't sudden by any means. Please to enjoy Grr Arg on the C&C board.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

It just seems this subject is really heated for everyone for all kinds of reasons.. Why can;t anyone just accept that what's done is done and we will most likely never know the details and we are probably better off for it...
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Post by lookyz »

Luminous wrote: Like abandoned lovers, a few mean spirited players who aren't getting what they want the way they want it decide to burn the house down, trashing Glenn, and the entire LG15 community on their way out the door.

I'm simply not willing to give them that much power, and I hope the creators and the constructive part of this community aren't either.

Creators, I hope you are willing to reconsider and bring Glenn back. There is no reason he should be made to suffer over this.

Does anyone else out there see it the way I do?

Note: As for shilling, come on. It's a game guys, get over it. This is being taken way to seriously. If we aren't sharp enough to solve the puzzles, the PM has to do something to move the game along.
Great Points - especially the lovers bit. I feel like the frustration and puzzle drought has been building for awhile. I think this is just the pin that broke that bubble.

The truth is we shouldn't find out Glen's fate. If he stays with Op/LG, we shouldn't know. The curtain should be pulled tight. I'm sure he'll end up with a kick ass ARG somewhere. This should be a lesson though...keep those curtains closed (and get cinemax!).
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Post by chershaytoute »

I have worked with online communities since the late '80s. At one point I wrote a piece for training community leaders and game 'ops on AOL and GameStorm that talked about the fact that time online is sort of like dog years, only in reverse...things happen FAST online, because online is such an immediate kind of time-place... That things r-o-l-l... They snowball... They avalanche out of control mighty easily.

I just have this feeling that The Creators took Glenn off as PM (whether a complete fire or a move within the LG15 universe?) to try to quiet things. I don't believe they've had a chance to look at everything. They surely haven't had a chance to review actual evidence.

What they have seen is a group of very vocal game veterans expressing very negative things VERY VOCALLY. And then they've watched the avalanche happen. They had to do something.

Whether they fired Glenn or moved him laterally until they could come up with a solution that will satisfy those of us who choose to remain after reviewing actual evidence (which is what I think they will ultimately do), it seems to me that it is their choice to make.

And it also seems to me that we can only help them with to make that ultimate choice (and to do it more quickly) if we try to grab hold of our emotions, take a whole bunch of deep breaths, and start thinking with our heads instead of our hearts for a little bit. If we need to, we should turn off our computers and walk away for a bit, just to will take a little bit of the immediacy out of things.

Hard to do? You betcha! You don't even want to know... <smile> But in the long run, we won't just be doing The Creators a favor, we'll be doing LG15 a favor, the game - if it's to survive - a favor, and...really, ourselves...

in the past, I've been/led communities in the following places:
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Post by itsreallyreal »

giddeanx wrote:I don't think the whole shill thing is the reason he was taken from the PM job. Im sure it has to do with the whole nude pics for clues.
I dissagree...

The line between business and personal time on the net in an IRC chat is WAY too gray... So if he wants to chat with girls and swap noods... WHO CARES?... :lol:

But the fact that he made personal relationships with the fanbase of the show and the ARG and then released private or privilaged info to these people is UNPROFESSIONAL abnd I think THAT is more iportant to them. Not to mention that in most peoples minds this undermines the entire project *(as you are watching that unfold now) so he could be held responsable for the whole thing...

They could have swapt noods all day and it would just be a huge piece of meat for the rumor mill... It's the fact that this information in regards to the ARG clues was exchanged that makes this an issue for everyone...
I have no clues to offer you... But I know how to download if you're offering!!!