0151- "Aunt Alex" [03/11/07]

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Post by longlostposter »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
longlostposter wrote:ok, maybe I didn't word mysef correctly. I don't know that she is leaving. I was speculating that this could be what's happening.
Don't worry, I understand what you are saying. I was only saying how I would react if that were to happen, not actually overreacting to the suggestion of it. :lol:
Cool. :D
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Post by joygasm »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
AM wrote:
Damn. That sucks. I'll be kind of disappointed if Jessica does that.
Jackson is going to be in a movie too and he isn't ditching us.
Funny. Yusef has so much more talent than either Jessica or Jackson and yet his phone doesn't exactly seem to be ringing. It's all about the Hollywood 'look' :roll:
Totally. Yousef is the glue holding the show together.
I'd have to disagree... I think all three of them are extremely talented. Think about Bree's character and how much she has changed. She used to be so silly and animated... she has handled the change really well. Jackson is an AMAZING actor. I don't know really if I can say one is better than the others... if I did, I think I would be leaning more towards Jackson
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Post by jeezy »

Chelseyrl wrote:
jeezy wrote:I liked this episode... a new character is cool... and she does kindda look like jonas
That family has some damn good genes.
And I like her as well. But, we shall see how Alex develops. :)
Yeah... I thought that when I saw her eye color... I think it's good that Daniel is getting over Bree, that's probably why she didn't go... how old do you think Alex is?
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Post by jeezy »

joygasm wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
AM wrote: Funny. Yusef has so much more talent than either Jessica or Jackson and yet his phone doesn't exactly seem to be ringing. It's all about the Hollywood 'look' :roll:
Totally. Yousef is the glue holding the show together.
I'd have to disagree... I think all three of them are extremely talented. Think about Bree's character and how much she has changed. She used to be so silly and animated... she has handled the change really well. Jackson is an AMAZING actor. I don't know really if I can say one is better than the others... if I did, I think I would be leaning more towards Jackson
I agree... Jackson is better... but that may be because his character has not really changed... yet... His character has always been consistent... Bree's has not... so then maybe Rose is better... I don't know!
Last edited by jeezy on Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

jeezy wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:
jeezy wrote:I liked this episode... a new character is cool... and she does kindda look like jonas
That family has some damn good genes.
And I like her as well. But, we shall see how Alex develops. :)
Yeah... I thought that when I saw her eye color... I think it's good that Daniel is getting over Bree, that's probably why she didn't go... how old do you think Alex is?
I would say that she is anywhere from 24-30
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Post by jeezy »

Chelseyrl wrote:
jeezy wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote: That family has some damn good genes.
And I like her as well. But, we shall see how Alex develops. :)
Yeah... I thought that when I saw her eye color... I think it's good that Daniel is getting over Bree, that's probably why she didn't go... how old do you think Alex is?
I would say that she is anywhere from 24-30
Yeah that sounds about right...
-jeezy (fo sheezy)
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Post by Meganeenie »

She kinda looks like Nancy Drew...



Could quite possibly be just me thinking that though...
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Post by Chelseyrl »

Meganeenie wrote:She kinda looks like Nancy Drew...



Could quite possibly be just me thinking that though...
Haha, no no no! I agree... I see some similarities.
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Post by michiev »

longlostposter wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
longlostposter wrote:ok, maybe I didn't word mysef correctly. I don't know that she is leaving. I was speculating that this could be what's happening.
Don't worry, I understand what you are saying. I was only saying how I would react if that were to happen, not actually overreacting to the suggestion of it. :lol:
Cool. :D
I dont think she will though, because in an article she said something along the lines of "I'll stay with the show as long as they're going to do it"

I cant find the article but i remember that she said something like that, probably not the same wording but i have bad memory.
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Post by freakish »

they were all on a year contract right?
all thats false will fade away
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Post by michiev »

freakish wrote:they were all on a year contract right?
I have no idea :o you can probably ask the actors about it. and if they dont know o.o..which would be strange. you can sit there and suffer not knowing

Uh yeah im kidding, You all have a lonely night. cause im off to bed.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

So this video was a good light hearted video.

DB did say that "tachyon came and picked her up" I would guess that he actually saw tachyon if she came and picked Bree up. I don't think Jonas or DB would just let her run out, even as fed up as they are, they still care.

The aunt seems cool, not sure if we should trust her or not, too early for that, but we shall see.

And I'm not sure how the would pull off LG15 with out the lonelygirl (Bree) lol, they'd have to be pretty talented for that one, considering the whole series surrounds her pretty much.

Anyways I would have quoted everyone, but that would make it a pretty long post so i didn't want to... sorry.
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Post by longlostposter »

I think they're all really talented, but Daniel is the glue as far as the storyline.

Jessica can really look adorable when it's called for, and it's this kind of charismatic onscreen presence that opens doors in Hollywood. I wish her the best in her career aspirations.
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Post by ohgollygeedamn »

mellie3204 wrote:
imogene2004 wrote:Bitsie Tulloch

Thanks imogene2004!

Much better photo - and I could definately see her going bad ass based on this. I so hope so. Whether or not it's for good or evil - though considering the charecter set up to now, I reckon we're in for a few more bad characters popping up than good just for balance... so my bet is on bad.

For now...

Holy dear god that women is super de duper hot! LOL.
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Post by joygasm »

longlostposter wrote:I think they're all really talented, but Daniel is the glue as far as the storyline.
How do you figure this? As far as I am concerned... each one of them play a very important role in the story line. If any one of them left tomorrow it would through everything off right now. Think of it this way... if Jonas died in the next video, where would we be left? The whole thing right now is kind of in Jonas' hands because of everything we are waiting to learn about him parents. The story lines of the other two have kind of been put on the back burner. We have all been paying so much attention to Jonas.
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