I'll take Totally Ridiculously Theories...uhhhm, I mean, Completely Reasonable Hypotheses for $400, Alex, er, I mean, Skunkwaffle! <rapidly nodding head off shoulders ala Bree>
I'll take Totally Ridiculously Theories...uhhhm, I mean, Completely Reasonable Hypotheses for $400, Alex, er, I mean, Skunkwaffle! <rapidly nodding head off shoulders ala Bree>
Too funny.
Weird Al Yankovich(too lazy to check spelling):
I had all the answers, but I couldn't get the questions ri-hi-height.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.