dlruss0216 wrote:Noooooooo way, UConn??? I grew up there, my Dad is/was a professor at UConn. When to elementary school, middle school, and high school in Storrs, CT.
I then went to UConn for my bachelors and part of my Masters degree, duh, I got free tuition...lol.
Wow! What a small world.
I graduated in '88, so I highly doubt all you youngsters who were there even knew me. I was long gone by the time you were there.
But...UConn is not only the party capitol of the world, but there's no better place to go Cow Tipping than at UConn...lol.
Storrs, nice.
I grew up Southeastern CT, Niantic. Then moved to Waterford, and now I'm in Norwich.
Wow this is a small world.

(And UConn does know how to party. I barely remember some of the parties I've gone to there.