You know, it's funny it bothered you so much. I didn't even notice it. I'd have to go back to watch it again to even see if it moved like you said, but I'll take your word for it.Sappho wrote:Did anyone else get motion sick from the rocking camera? I can understand moving the camera when the kids are running around, or startled, but there was no reason for it when Bree was just sitting there, talking. It's like Daniel was in a rocking chair or something.
It ruined the whole video for me. Thank God nothing important happened, because I felt too sick to follow it. I couldn't even enjoy the chest shot of Jonas at the end, because I was ready to shoot the cat.
No more videos like this, please.
0147 Sorry Jonas [03/07/07]
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- longlostposter
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Agreed. The change of scenery was refreshing.TommyIsCancer wrote:I liked this video. I'm glad to see a more normal, relaxing video despite the Bree/Jonas tension. I am a little disappointed though because they're at Jonas' aunt's house. I loved them being up in the snow because it gave a brand new feel to everything. They should have stayed their longer. It was an interesting place that I wanted to see explored more.
Enthusiastically agreed. No one should be complaining about the acting at this point. Whether you like the character or not, the problem is not the portrayal of said character by the actor. I really hope this series helps to launch Yousef and Jackson's career's as well as Jessica's.sparkybennett wrote:and let me say that the acting in these videos keeps getting better and better... especially Jonas and those smoldering looks!!!
Sure can. Remember Sam and Diane (Cheers)?sparrow wrote:Jonas so wanted to kiss Bree.
Or am I confusing anger with sexual tension (can't it be both?).
However, he could be her brother, and he's dying to tell her.
There are only three explanations (that I can see) that make sense with Jonas offering them a place to stay, and then 'coincidentally' having parent's in an anti-Order organization; since it's blaringly obvious that this is way too convenient to make the story even remotely believable, the assumption can be made that Jonas definately knows more than he's letting on. The questions then become: Why is he hiding the information, and what and how much does he actually know?
These are the possibilities I see:
1) Jonas is lying. He is with the Order.
2) Jonas is Bree's brother, he knows it, and he's trying to protect her from something; perhaps some ugly truth.
3) There is some connection to Jonas's parents that Jonas feels Bree can help him with.
Does anyone else see any other reason(s) Jonas would be hiding information from B&D?
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
I think you're on the right track. In philosophy there are several different ideas of free will. It's been too long sense my Philosophy classes to recall all the major arguements, but one type I remember occurs to me. An argument against free will says that free will is an illusion and our choices are the result of external forces mixed with our internal biochemical brain. Like a computer Data in Data out. One responce to this is that some people claim that this is true free will, they say that the idea that we can make a decision outside of the influences on our lives, and in many ways we are like a computer, so that is true free will.girlAnachronism wrote:So since the anti-Order believes in free will, does that mean the Order doesn't? All this time there's been some belief that Bree must agree to participate in the ceremony of her own free will. Is it just the Order's convoluted idea of free will?
I think this is kinda what the order feels. It can't directly force her, but it can put pressure on any and everything around her to get her to comply, including kidnaping her friends and parents. So they figure by applying the right kind of pressure on her enviorment they will get her to do what they want, but it still is free will by their thinking because you're only influencing the external forces, so data in, data out
- JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
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Okay I don't have time to read everything.
But let me just point out again how unbelievably attractive Jonas is.
Also, when Bree said "This reminds me of things my dad said to me." I thought that was a key part to the video. Maybe there was a connection between her dad and Jonas's parents' organization.
Is it possible her father was a double-agent, like Gemma, but was really on the Anti-Order side? Like he pretended to be a member of the Order and worked for them in the science labs or whatever, but really just wanted to save Bree and others like her from the Order.
Or MAYBE, going back to the sibling theory, Jonas's dad = Bree's dad.
Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
Okay, that's pushing it. But maybe he did recognize him. Maybe their parents were working together. I just thought that line Bree gave seemed to indicate more than just "aw i miss daddy."
But let me just point out again how unbelievably attractive Jonas is.
Also, when Bree said "This reminds me of things my dad said to me." I thought that was a key part to the video. Maybe there was a connection between her dad and Jonas's parents' organization.
Is it possible her father was a double-agent, like Gemma, but was really on the Anti-Order side? Like he pretended to be a member of the Order and worked for them in the science labs or whatever, but really just wanted to save Bree and others like her from the Order.
Or MAYBE, going back to the sibling theory, Jonas's dad = Bree's dad.
Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
Okay, that's pushing it. But maybe he did recognize him. Maybe their parents were working together. I just thought that line Bree gave seemed to indicate more than just "aw i miss daddy."

"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
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So I know someone has probadly said this already but I am tired and but have time to read everything people have said so sorry if this is repeated over and over again. But who locks the door to an office in their own house? It does not really look like the aunt has childs but even if she did then they would be out of town with her so there should be no reason why her office so be locked. Well I said me two cents worth. I will have to check to see what all was said tomorrow.
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Good point I missed that line.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Also, when Bree said "This reminds me of things my dad said to me." I thought that was a key part to the video. Maybe there was a connection between her dad and Jonas's parents' organization.
Is it possible her father was a double-agent, like Gemma, but was really on the Anti-Order side? Like he pretended to be a member of the Order and worked for them in the science labs or whatever, but really just wanted to save Bree and others like her from the Order.
Or MAYBE, going back to the sibling theory, Jonas's dad = Bree's dad.
Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
Okay, that's pushing it. But maybe he did recognize him. Maybe their parents were working together. I just thought that line Bree gave seemed to indicate more than just "aw i miss daddy."
Which video was this??JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
EDIT: Nevermind...

Last edited by Chelseyrl on Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
You know, that's kind of interesting...JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
I remember that line striking a lot of people oddly back when that video was released. I mean, why would Jonas repeatedly ask who he was ("Who is that?"...."Are you sure that's her dad?"), and seem quite taken aback upon Daniel's confirmation of that fact (*long pause*..."Goddamnit.")?
The video took place before we knew that Bree was adopted. Perhaps Jonas was expecting to see someone else...
- JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
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I believe it was "The Unthinkable Happened."Chelseyrl wrote:Which video was this??JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
And yeah, the way Jonas said that struck me as kind of strange. I'm not sure if it was just bad writing, bad acting, or if it meant something. I did think it was nothing for a while, but when Bree said "this reminds me of the things my dad said" I immediately recalled that video. I think it's a really cool theory too!
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3
-- V For Vendetta <3
Too late now. Internet.TOSG wrote:I wondered the same thing. The only good explanation that I could come up with is that Jonas doesn't want his aunt finding out that he broke in.
I think his reaction would have been "That's my dad" if it was the same guy - and he'd have been more upset than he's been since then, presumably.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Or MAYBE, going back to the sibling theory, Jonas's dad = Bree's dad.
Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
In any event, that line does seem more odd in retrospect. His reaction seemed like easily dismissed nervousness at the time (and maybe dialogue to fill the space while they moved toward the parking deck), but now it seems like it could have been something more.
- JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
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I think you're right. I agree that it may be pushing it to say that Bree's dad and Jonas's dad are one in the same.Lurker wrote:I think his reaction would have been "That's my dad" if it was the same guy - and he'd have been more upset than he's been since then, presumably.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Or MAYBE, going back to the sibling theory, Jonas's dad = Bree's dad.
Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
In any event, that line does seem more odd in retrospect. His reaction seemed like easily dismissed nervousness at the time (and maybe dialogue to fill the space while they moved toward the parking deck), but now it seems like it could have been something more.
However, I like my theory that Bree's 'dad' may have been a double agent, and maybe secretly working with Jonas's dad. If that were the case, it would make sense that Jonas could have recognized him from long ago but couldn't quite put his finger on why.
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3
-- V For Vendetta <3
I'm not sure that his aunt is scanning Youtube. I think there's been a lot of times in this series where we've had to suspend a bit of disbelief regarding certain on- or off-screen characters being able to see videos.Lurker wrote:Too late now. Internet.TOSG wrote:I wondered the same thing. The only good explanation that I could come up with is that Jonas doesn't want his aunt finding out that he broke in.
- Nieriel.Manwathiel
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LOL u seem to be forgetting the random vacums that magically prevent the wrong people from seeing eachothers vids in the Breeniverse. ABANDON ALL LOGIC YE WHO ENTER HERE!!Lurker wrote:Too late now. Internet.TOSG wrote:I wondered the same thing. The only good explanation that I could come up with is that Jonas doesn't want his aunt finding out that he broke in.
Not if you're stunned. My dad remembers that when he say his dad for the first time in 20 years, he didn't go "daddy dearest!" and jump into his lap. :-p LOL He was understandably stunned and was like ":smt120 whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido?!"Lurker wrote:I think his reaction would have been "That's my dad" if it was the same guy - and he'd have been more upset than he's been since then, presumably.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Or MAYBE, going back to the sibling theory, Jonas's dad = Bree's dad.
Remember when Jonas was like "Are you sure that's her dad?"
I would think if he found out his dad was linked to Bree, expecially because we KNOW there's something Jonas isn't telling, he won't immediantly say "No, silly; that guy's MY dad!" He'd just go "Oh sweet merciful god I hope there's been a mistake..."
A watching_watchers-certified POST WHORE!
I completely aggree with you. If we run with the idea that Bree's Dad= Jonas' Dad, I would think that he would have such an overwhelming amount of emotions and thoughts to even react to that idea...Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:I would think if he found out his dad was linked to Bree, expecially because we KNOW there's something Jonas isn't telling, he won't immediantly say "No, silly; that guy's MY dad!" He'd just go "Oh sweet merciful god I hope there's been a mistake..."
Plus, if I were Jonas in that situation, I would possibly even feel a little anger towards my father... you know... for faking his death in all

Major betrayal.
But, there's way too many "if's" in that paragraph.