0146 "On The Road Again" [03/05/07]

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Post by kjones »

Wouldn't Drew be short for Andrew?[/quote]

True. But I thought that the Drew Avery name was just made up by Nikki Bower report viewers? I wonder if that was actually a clue? hmmm makes you think.
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Post by longlostposter »

freakish wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
voyboy wrote: Why not? It wouldnt mean another character nessessarily, but the Foundation itself. :)
Excellent point, voyboy.

Gogo has displayed nothing but excellence in the videos and the forming of the character Ms. Rose. If anyone deserves a nod, it's her.
I'm in Louisiana, and there are many of them here.
how do you know lordgreystoke isnt canon? i, for one, have a very hard time believing someone could be that crazy....
:lol: Cajuns are just plain nuts!

EDIT: I live in Louisiana.
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Post by longlostposter »

AM wrote:
iamcool wrote:i would have refused to take bree if she done that to me
See, I am thinking that a 'real' person, not an agent doing a job, would have kicked them both out. Maybe a super decent person would have given them some money and steered them towards civilization but that's about it.

The fact that he is still with the two of them says to me that he must be an agent doing a job. Now, I agree with lurker that he could be an agent for good or an agent for evil.

I personally would love, love love to see him turn out to be evil but that is just a personal preference. The evidence doesn't tell us one way or the other.

I think him being evil sets the story up for the most interesting plot twists and the best intrigue. Here is why;

1) Bree will discover shit about him and nobody will believe her.

2)She will second guess herself.

3) Him being evil will eventually vindicate her and, after all her crap, she badly needs vindicating. Who isn't completely sick of Bree but wants to like her? Every time she does something likable it gets taken away from us.

4) Jonas being bad will throw Bree and Daniel into eachother's arms.

5) Jonas being evil gives Bree and Daniel a chance to work together Tachyon style to get away. Again, a more interesting plot twist than them being rescued.

6)Do the creators really want her to just be 'that dumb girl'. I for one would hate that. Damsel in distress is so old. If the series ended with Bree not genuinely growing up and being right, saving the day, about something major, I for one will be quite disappointed.

7)If he's evil but then grows attached to them and then has a change of heart at the last minute, it would add complexity and depth to his character. At this point only Daniel has complexity and depth. Jonas and Bree have never seemed 'real' to me. Making Jonas conflicted is so much more interesting than leaving Jonas two dimensional and too nice.

To summarize; I agree with lurker, he could be an agent for good or evil. It would make no sense if he were just a nice guy but nothing else. He is hiding something. My personal preference is that he's evil. It would IMO send the plot in the most interesting direction.
The evidence does not tell us one way or the other (as far as I can see).
Excellent analysis, AM; you've put into words exactly what I was thinking as well (the only exception being four).

What I strongly agree with is seven. Jonas is so ambiguous that the only way his character makes any sense at all is to be putting on a big show for Bree and Daniel. If he isn't doing this, then he's just wishy-washy, and convenient for B&D, as well as the plot. As far as Bree goes, her continuing inability to handle this in a mature manner (granted, it's to be expected in a 17 year old), has made her seem spineless and victimized. On top of this, she is narcisstic and is coping with the situation by untilizing denial when necessary. While I don't fault her for this, as her situation would be tough for someone a decade older than her to handle (especially considering how sheltered she grew up), she has to evolve into a mature woman at some point, or she is just plain annoying and forgetable. One thing I think the Creators wouldn't want is to make Bree forgettable; she is the inspiration for the series, if she is forgettable, so is the entire series.

Loved the post, AM; but then I usually find yours right in line with the way I think.
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Post by jeezy »

AM wrote: See, I am thinking that a 'real' person, not an agent doing a job, would have kicked them both out. Maybe a super decent person would have given them some money and steered them towards civilization but that's about it.

The fact that he is still with the two of them says to me that he must be an agent doing a job. Now, I agree with lurker that he could be an agent for good or an agent for evil.

I personally would love, love love to see him turn out to be evil but that is just a personal preference. The evidence doesn't tell us one way or the other.

I think him being evil sets the story up for the most interesting plot twists and the best intrigue. Here is why;

1) Bree will discover shit about him and nobody will believe her.

2)She will second guess herself.

3) Him being evil will eventually vindicate her and, after all her crap, she badly needs vindicating. Who isn't completely sick of Bree but wants to like her? Every time she does something likable it gets taken away from us.

4) Jonas being bad will throw Bree and Daniel into eachother's arms.

5) Jonas being evil gives Bree and Daniel a chance to work together Tachyon style to get away. Again, a more interesting plot twist than them being rescued.

6)Do the creators really want her to just be 'that dumb girl'. I for one would hate that. Damsel in distress is so old. If the series ended with Bree not genuinely growing up and being right, saving the day, about something major, I for one will be quite disappointed.

7)If he's evil but then grows attached to them and then has a change of heart at the last minute, it would add complexity and depth to his character. At this point only Daniel has complexity and depth. Jonas and Bree have never seemed 'real' to me. Making Jonas conflicted is so much more interesting than leaving Jonas two dimensional and too nice.

To summarize; I agree with lurker, he could be an agent for good or evil. It would make no sense if he were just a nice guy but nothing else. He is hiding something. My personal preference is that he's evil. It would IMO send the plot in the most interesting direction.
The evidence does not tell us one way or the other (as far as I can see).
This is a really good analysis... Good Job! Any of these plot twists are possible...
-jeezy (fo sheezy)
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Post by AM »

Jonas is so ambiguous that the only way his character makes any sense at all is to be putting on a big show for Bree and Daniel. If he isn't doing this, then he's just wishy-washy, and convenient for B&D, as well as the plot. As far as Bree goes, her continuing inability to handle this in a mature manner (granted, it's to be expected in a 17 year old), has made her seem spineless and victimized. On top of this, she is narcisstic and is coping with the situation by untilizing denial when necessary. While I don't fault her for this, as her situation would be tough for someone a decade older than her to handle (especially considering how sheltered she grew up), she has to evolve into a mature woman at some point, or she is just plain annoying and forgetable. One thing I think the Creators wouldn't want is to make Bree forgettable; she is the inspiration for the series, if she is forgettable, so is the entire series.
Exactly! Thank you (and I appreciate the nice things you said about my posts :smt054. It means a lot coming from you. Thanks longlostposter and jeezy).
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Post by Mvidrine »

freakish wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
voyboy wrote:

how do you know lordgreystoke isnt canon? i, for one, have a very hard time believing someone could be that crazy....
Well its not so much that he's crazy or isn't crazy. Canon means part of the offical storyline. The creators haven't given Lordgreystoke the offical nod, his video's are fanfiction, they refer to the offical storyline but they do not affect the offical storyline. Now the question of the sanity of Lordgreystoke is a question for another day and another part of the forum...
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Post by voyboy »

Last edited by voyboy on Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by silvermoon »

So anyways...anyone wanna guess what they will find in Jonas' aunt's house?

Ties to the Order? Evidence that his parent's "accident" was not so accidental? More evidence against the Order?
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Post by janesalteredstates »

AM wrote:Jonas sounded quite omenous when he said three was a crowd. I think he is plotting how to get rid of Bree. I seriously hope he turns out to be evil. It would suck if he turned out to be good and Bree turned out to be wrong. I hope there is some weird twist where he leads them into a trap and they have to escape.
Give up the dream. He ain't evil. He's her brother! He was even acting like her brother in that video.

I will not rest until I convince The Creators to do what I want! :twisted:

I love Jonas so much in this vid. When he opens the door making the annoying alarm sound in Bree's face! bahaha
It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story.

Post by silvermoon »

janesalteredstates wrote: Give up the dream. He ain't evil. He's her brother! He was even acting like her brother in that video.
Absolutely! I can't tell you how often my older brother did the "all I hear is an annoying buzz" thing to me! Such a sib thing to do!
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Post by janesalteredstates »

Oh and about "Drew Avery." Didn't NikkiB just make that up? Why is it now fact that that is Bree's dad's name?
It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story.

Post by silvermoon »

janesalteredstates wrote:Oh and about "Drew Avery." Didn't NikkiB just make that up? Why is it now fact that that is Bree's dad's name?
No one cannon has actually used that name, have they? Though, obviously, using the initials on the report has to be a nod to Nikki B.

And we are all familiar with that name. Might have been confusing to give him a different name at this point. We'd have people wandering around saying "I thought his name was Drew Avery?" and we'd have to sit around and do the blahblahblah about how that was just a name Nikki B made up, and she's not cannon, blahblahblah.

Prolly just easier to stick with it at this point, lol! :lol:
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Post by amybagofdonuts »

hahahahahahaha jonas was such a jerk and bree completely deserved it!
also, i really think the aunt's house will reveal something very interesting.
and recently, especially after this video, i tend to think the skywalker/leia theory might be true-that bree and jonas are actually brother and sister or at least related somehow.
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Post by blondiejam »

ok - it seemed there was a lot missing between jonas breaking into his house to prove his innocence and then everyone back in the car.... what the heck? what are we supposed to assume happened???
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Post by mrsmoose »

okay i know its techinically not on topic, but i just watched the vid again...and are my eyes decieving me..or is jonas really getting hotter? i felt a swoon coming over me when he looked into the camera as the parting shot.....

*needs to get out more*
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