AM wrote:Thanks Lurker for your reply to my post.
Ever since the 'How Dumb am I' video I see a distinct anti-Bree vs. pro-Jonas mood brewing in the forum. Yes Jonas is likable and Bree is not, no question. But I think many want Jonas to be innocent so badly that they are in danger of missing or ignoring obvious signs? IOW, the 'how dumb am I?" title might just as well apply to us if we too are snowed by Jonases charms.
Oh, and Jonas is definitely gay. No straight guy would say 'three's a crowd' no matter how annoying and whiney the girl was, even if he had been just tied up. Sorry, that sealed it for me. Either that or he's a plant from the Order trying to tear Bree and Daniel apart by first bonding with one and then the other, wedging himself in between them by any means possible.

I disagree with you SOOO much.
I verly clearly looked at both sides from all angles, and I think Jonas is innocent. At first I was certain he wasn't, but all ALL the signs point to him being innocent. He really has had thousands of chances to turn bree and danial in to the order, and everything he's done since bree went off has proven him to be innocent. Him getting angry, him running, how weary he looks in the car. The fact that he's pissed as you know what in the car.
And I don't know HOW you can make the assumption he's gay. I'm sorry, but if you're TIED UP AND HELD HOSTAGE by a girl, you're going to be pissed. Period.
I think we should have faith in him. He's proved trustworthy thus far, why would he randomly be BADBAD? Most of the things you pointed out seemed to be from a specific POV. :3
If I seemed rude there at all I didn't try. <3