freakish wrote:why wouldnt their files and crap be stored in the mansion? who would move it all to a cabin house?
To keep people -- e.g., their son Jonas -- from finding it as easily.
joygasm wrote:... maybe someone chose to put it there because they did not think Jonas was ready to see it all.
joygasm wrote:Most likely he was staying up in the attic and Danny B has been helping him hide up there.
I see nothing in this vid that would lead to this conclusion. Daniel seems completely surprised to discover Jonas in the house. And Bree's been so hypervigilant that I'm sure she would have heard any sound that might have indicated that he was there.
joygasm wrote:I think we have a while to go before they tell us that Jonas and Bree are siblings. I know it's coming though!!!!!
WHY? On what basis is anyone making these statements?
Lurker wrote:I see it as a decent possibility (and a better one than some other suggestions). I don't see it as likely, or even think that there's much (read: any) evidence for it . . .
Exactly. NO evidence.
Lurker wrote:. . . but it's still a better possibility than a lot of other things.
Like what? Examples, please.
Lurker wrote:The only potential major problem with it I can see is that if he does turn out to be her brother and his parents did have a connection to the Order (either as operatives or opponents), if he didn't know about any of it and still invited Bree and Daniel into his home, then it becomes a bit hard to swallow something that convenient.
Exactly. I have more faith in the creators than that.
HisGirl wrote:"Up here is where they stored all my parents' stuff".... who is "they" ?
If it's not his parents themselves (and you're right, that quotation does make it sound as if he's referring to someone other than his parents), I'd bet that he was talking about whoever handled matters after his parents disappeared. Maybe the nanny, maybe someone else.
MintyBeast wrote:I would hate if Bree and Jonas were siblings. It just seems so stupid to me, so I really hope the creators aren't going that route. *crosses fingers and eyes*
I'm with you.
joygasm wrote:I usually don't stick with things this hard. I am sorry if I am pissing you off, by coming back again and again, but I really, really, really believe that is a picture.
Why don't we just wait for the next video(s) and FIND OUT?
All this speculation-verging-on-argument is pointless, really. As has been stated
ad nauseum in the forum, we can see whatever we want to see in many of these images. You want to see a photograph of children, because you work with children's photography. Other people are invested in other ideas, so they see what
they want to see. Probably we're
all wrong, and it's something else altogether. In the meantime, please, people, kindly just CHILL.