Jonas CAN'T be evil!

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Post by longlostposter »

Magesa wrote:Bree has certainly gone through a huge character change, and her willingness to ask questions will certainly help her. However, she may be a little too aggressive now. The Creators don't want her perfect all of a sudden! She have gone a bit TOO far, and she can learn from that. Or maybe she's right, who knows?
Yeah, it seems Bree has made a totally 180, but I'm thinking she may be going a little nutty. I mean, this would be enough to make anyone nutty.

For me, the jury is still out on Jonas. I'm starting to lean towards the brother/sister theory, and that Jonas is aware that Bree is his sister. For an explanation of why, go to the thread for "Bree is Crazy", page two. I layed it out there.
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Post by PixieSailor »

I think people need to remember that even though Tachyon is incredibly cool, and very badass, she is NOT the queen of the universe. She is very knowledgeable, but she does NOT know everything. This could be JUST sneaky and JUST underhanded enough to prove viable for a long time.
I mean, this is really the first clue we've had that Jonas could be bad. Remember that Jonas is supposed to be NOT with the order, while Gemma very clearly was. It is very easy to come up with a fake background and make it convincible, and I'm sure the order did just that. Jonas is different than Gemma in many ways, and he is therefore easier to hide in many ways. Just remember, Tachyon Does Not Know Everything.
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Post by PixieSailor »

frankenstein girl wrote:The vacation home belonged to Jonas's parents. Maybe they're the ones who were a part of the order. You would think Jonas would be if his parents were, too. But I don't know.

I guess we'll find out with time. Lots and lots of time.
Ah, except if that is the case then something has to be up with Jonas Coincidences as big as that do not happen in stories such as this. :3
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Post by Vapor Snake »

Wow. I just sifted through all those "is Jonas good or bad" posts and I have to admit I'm impressed by all the brain-racking that's been done.

Personally I think this plot development is a red herring. There have been clues to this end in the previous videos.

The writers are probably painting themselves in a corner so now there's a lull in the story that can be filled with a group in-fighting story arc. Watch as the Order shows up at the cabin and Bree's suspicions are confirmed, but then it turns out Jonas is innocent--the Order found them because of the tracking device they implanted in Daniel.

Jonas is being framed.

Oh, and what does Bree mean exactly when she says, "I have Jonas, and he's not going anywhere until he tells me everything"? Did she knock him over the head and tie him to a chair in the coal cellar? Did Tachyon teach her some information extraction methods involving bamboo shoots? Seriously, what's this 90 lb. girl going to do to compell the amatuer boxer-kid to talk if he's actually an Order agent? And if he is, why isn't Daniel posting some, "I can't find Jonas anywhere, and there's this trail of blood..." video?
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Post by longlostposter »

Hi Vapor.

You must be watching on YT. YT gets the videos one day later than and Revver. We have since seen a video where Daniel says that Bree has Jonas tied up. It's under the videos option here.

The thinking is that Bree bound Jonas while he was sleeping.
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Post by Vapor Snake »

You nailed it, longlostposter.

I still can't believe they're actually going this route. Bree the Interrogator, huh?

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Post by anniid »

Magesa wrote:
Lurker wrote:
autumneternal wrote: If she was one step ahead of everyone, I doubt she would have put herself in a position where she could be identified by one of the Order's own. She chided Brother for doing so with Gemma, I don't think Tachyon would be so careless.

That's why I find it incredibly hard to believe that Jonas is a part of the Order. Tachyon is always one step ahead.
Probably as good an argument as I've seen for why Jonas may be innocent in all this, actually.
Before I was 100% Jonas is bad, but that's a really good argument. However:

12 Reasons Why Jonas is Bad
1. That symbol is suspicious. Very very suspicious.
2. Why didn't Lucy catch him in the Human Ransom video? She was too close -- she should have caught him, if he were good.
3. Doesn't the whole "Watch This!" video make more sense if Jonas is bad? The whole thing looked staged, no one was really hurt, Jonas could easily have just been making a show.
4. He always seemed to underestimate the Order. "I mean, they're bad, right? After what they did to her Dad?" And he hestitated in "The Unthinkable Happened": because he didn't know what the Order wanted him to do?
5. He was too convenient. Way too convenient.
6. He was always trying to get Bree to open up.
7. He encouraged Daniel to get out of the house, go to Pins and Pints, and leave Bree. And get kidnapped.
8. He made a big show of taking a risk to look at the cowboy's van, but he never even though to look in the house.
9. In "Storm the Castle" he wants Bree to talk to him, tell him her plan, plan, and just "Storm the Castle." He wants to undermine a plan she may have and make a plan on his own terms.
10. He seemed very confused in "The Human Ransom." It didn't seem like he knew of the plan beforehand. Could Tachyon have warned Bree to keep it secret even from Jonas?
11. He used his cell phone. Not only was that stupid, but who did a friendless, childless parent have to call? Calling ahead??? To whom??? The Order, that's whom!
12. Lastly, Gemma wasn't always consistant, remember? A lot of her advice was quirky and bad (for Bree), but some of it baffles us: it just doesn't make sense if she wanted to help the Order. So Jonas=bad may not be totally consistant.

Even so, Tachyon sniffed Gemma out... :?

I'm still open to the "Jonas is with the Order, but he doesn't really believe in it/isn't as bad as the others/still likes Bree/Daniel a lot, so isn't totally bad. But I'm leaning towards bad. I'm sure we'll see his disposition in the next video, and that will be a huge clue to this.

EDIT: Reason number 13: Bree said that she asked a lot of questions, presumably to Jonas, and if that's so, then she probably got some answers back that proved her points. She is SO sure.

ok before you read any of this, please note that I decided not to research in the forumns based on the time available to me.
those reasons make a good point.
I really think jonas is in the order, however, i think they're putting on another charade.
Jonas told Bree about his involvement and he told her that he wanted to stop, and this is how they are confusing the order.
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Re: am I the only one

Post by autumneternal »

anniid wrote:
Magesa wrote:Before I was 100% Jonas is bad, but that's a really good argument. However:

12 Reasons Why Jonas is Bad
((cut to save space))

ok before you read any of this, please note that I decided not to research in the forumns based on the time available to me.
those reasons make a good point.
I really think jonas is in the order, however, i think they're putting on another charade.
Jonas told Bree about his involvement and he told her that he wanted to stop, and this is how they are confusing the order.
If you're going to quote the list of reasons that try to support why Jonas is bad, you should also include the counterpoints that show he could also very well be good.
silvermoon wrote:12 arguements against why Jonas is bad (cuz he's not, darn it!!)

1. That symbol is suspicious. Very very suspicious. If Tachy can plant something in his car, why can't Oppy plant something in his house to make him look bad?

2. Why didn't Lucy catch him in the Human Ransom video? She was too close -- she should have caught him, if he were good. Maybe she tripped and fell down the stairs....or maybe he pushed her!

3. Doesn't the whole "Watch This!" video make more sense if Jonas is bad? The whole thing looked staged, no one was really hurt, Jonas could easily have just been making a show.
If they were staging it, why not let Jonas look like a big hero and have him fake punch out the Order guy? This would have cemented his and Bree's relationship.

4. He always seemed to underestimate the Order. "I mean, they're bad, right? After what they did to her Dad?" And he hestitated in "The Unthinkable Happened": because he didn't know what the Order wanted him to do? Until that point, he had never really had any run ins with the Order himself. He was shocked and confused and probably really afraid for the first time. It had finally hit him just how really bad the Order was.

5. He was too convenient. Way too convenient.
Just furthering the plot. Why would Bree and Daniel go stay with a teenage girl who still lived with her parents in a trailer park? They couldn't stay on the street, they couldn't go home...just the Creators way of making it an easy choice for them.

6. He was always trying to get Bree to open up.
Because he wants to know more about what's going on. She's holding out a lot of information and he (much like the rest of us!) wants to know the truth (because he doesn't already know!). He's put his home and life on the line for this girl and she's still holding out info.

7. He encouraged Daniel to get out of the house, go to Pins and Pints, and leave Bree. And get kidnapped. Then what was the point of the cowboy? Wasn't he hired to lead Daniel to the Order? What was the point of that? Why bring in an outsider if Jonas could have just as easily done the set up. Shoot, he could have just took Bree to a different part of the house to distract her and let the Order come in and take Daniel right out of the house! Why the big set up in front of witnesses?

8. He made a big show of taking a risk to look at the cowboy's van, but he never even though to look in the house. Bree didn't think to look in the house either. Maybe she's with the Order!! Taking a peak into a van in a public area is a lot less risk than breaking into someone's house when you don't know who or what could be in there. The guy could have had a dozen doberman's on watch!

9. In "Storm the Castle" he wants Bree to talk to him, tell him her plan, plan, and just "Storm the Castle." He wants to undermine a plan she may have and make a plan on his own terms. Or....he wants to know so he can help and support her!

10. He seemed very confused in "The Human Ransom." It didn't seem like he knew of the plan beforehand. Could Tachyon have warned Bree to keep it secret even from Jonas? And then bring him along? What would be the point of that? He could have easily thwarted the plan then as well as ahead of time.

11. He used his cell phone. Not only was that stupid, but who did a friendless, childless parent have to call? Calling ahead??? To whom??? The Order, that's whom!
Or....the person who watches over the cabin off season, so that he could turn up the heat and stock it with food...and maybe a nice warm coat as a surprise for Bree! What a nice boy!

12. Lastly, Gemma wasn't always consistant, remember? A lot of her advice was quirky and bad (for Bree), but some of it baffles us: it just doesn't make sense if she wanted to help the Order. So Jonas=bad may not be totally consistant.
Ummmmm.....have you met Bree? The queen of inconsistant? More proof that she's in the Order!!

:D :D :D
It's all about perspective, really. Jonas' advice and actions could be interpreted either way, depending on how you portray him.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Post by wylder »

hey youguys... have you noticed something fishy....
i mean jonas' parents have well, died along time ago.
bree never met her real parents.... its possible that the creators have made this into a duo situation.... as in jonas and bree are brother and sister.

just think about it.
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Post by Kasdeja »

Yes, that's been discussed for quite some time...many feel it won't happen because it is too Star Wars. But, if you want to make it more interesting, Daniel is almost an orphan.
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Post by silvermoon »

Kasdeja wrote:Yes, that's been discussed for quite some time...many feel it won't happen because it is too Star Wars. But, if you want to make it more interesting, Daniel is almost an orphan.
Oh, no, Kas! You've probably just opened up a whole new can of "they are really all siblings!"

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Post by Kasdeja »

:shock: woops! Oh man...THE KISS! :smt078
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Post by silvermoon »

LOL! Now that you mention it....Jonas tried to sway Daniel away from Bree (saying she kissed like a fish, dressing him up to go out to the bowling alley and meet a new girl). And Bree's never been into Daniel, no matter how much Daniel tried to get with her.

Yep. That's it. Danny B and Bree are brother and sister. Their names even rhyme!! :lol:

Post by Lurker »

silvermoon wrote:LOL! Now that you mention it....Jonas tried to sway Daniel away from Bree (saying she kissed like a fish, dressing him up to go out to the bowling alley and meet a new girl). And Bree's never been into Daniel, no matter how much Daniel tried to get with her.

Yep. That's it. Danny B and Bree are brother and sister. Their names even rhyme!! :lol:
I know this post was largely made in jest, but I'd just like to say Jonas encouraged Daniel's interest in Bree a lot. As for Bree's lack of interest in Daniel, there's no biological repellant for attraction to one's relatives.

Post by silvermoon »

Lurker wrote:
silvermoon wrote:LOL! Now that you mention it....Jonas tried to sway Daniel away from Bree (saying she kissed like a fish, dressing him up to go out to the bowling alley and meet a new girl). And Bree's never been into Daniel, no matter how much Daniel tried to get with her.

Yep. That's it. Danny B and Bree are brother and sister. Their names even rhyme!! :lol:
I know this post was largely made in jest, but I'd just like to say Jonas encouraged Daniel's interest in Bree a lot. As for Bree's lack of interest in Daniel, there's no biological repellant for attraction to one's relatives.
Yes, I was just stretching the truth a bit to match my sarcasm, lol. Didn't mean for anyone to take me seriously. (though maybe Bree knew Daniel was her brother, but couldn't tell him) (just kidding again, I'm finding it hard to stop! :lol: )
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