0142 - Interrogation 101 [2/28/2007]

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Post by cosmicdancer »

The teen angst adventure squad is turning in on themselves. I think this is exactly what the Order wants to happen. Or if not, they'll certainly find a way to take advantage of the situation.
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Post by Ziola »

We've been told to let our enemies make mistakes... 8)
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Post by chelspea »

Don't you think that if either DB or Jonas were in the order, that Tachyon would have some sort of heads up and warn Bree? She seems to be pretty well aware of the inner workings and goings on of the Order, so if she didn't take the time to check on Jonas and DB before helping Bree, I'd be really surprised.
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Post by autumneternal »

ShardinsKitten wrote:on another note, the sound when he leaves Jonas almost sounds like screeching tires, or the door sliding against/across something.
I agree that it sounded like screeching tires.
ShardinsKitten wrote:Well it was pointed out with the video where they broke out DB that, really Lucy was so close to Jonas, she would of had to of reached him before he could of gotten away.
Maybe they came to their senses and realized that catching one of them wouldn't accomplish anything. Besides, he could have kicked Lucy, or scrambled real fast up the ladder. Who knows.
ShardinsKitten wrote:and it was pretty suspicious that the watcher jonas hit didn't even make a move to fight back...
He did make a move to fight back, but when Bree got between the watcher and Jonas, the watcher pulled back mid-punch.
ShardinsKitten wrote:and the whole "wouldn't I have grown up like Bree" line, well we all know Bree was raised for something specific, so that kinda of kills that theory.
Not necessarily. I don't think he really meant that he would have been raised to a specific purpose, but that he'd have been raised in the same beliefs and would have probably have been as sheltered as Bree was.
frogflute2 wrote:I thought it was weird when they were drive up to the cabin that he was using the cell phone when he could of just got everything turned on when they got there.
But then the cabin would be cold when they'd arrive. It's common to call ahead when you have a cabin you go to only occasionally to have everything turned on.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Post by longlostposter »

chelspea wrote:Don't you think that if either DB or Jonas were in the order, that Tachyon would have some sort of heads up and warn Bree? She seems to be pretty well aware of the inner workings and goings on of the Order, so if she didn't take the time to check on Jonas and DB before helping Bree, I'd be really surprised.
Yes, and the thing that keeps coming to my mind is that Tachyon stayed the weekend with them at Jonas's house, according to Bree. I think Tachyon knows who Jonas is, and trusts him.
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Post by angie78gg »

chelspea wrote:Don't you think that if either DB or Jonas were in the order, that Tachyon would have some sort of heads up and warn Bree? She seems to be pretty well aware of the inner workings and goings on of the Order, so if she didn't take the time to check on Jonas and DB before helping Bree, I'd be really surprised.

Thats very true, but doesnt mean that while the Order had Db, that something about him wasnt changed. I think they are all pawns in a game that Op is running.... Like cat and mouse..she is just waiting for the right time to strike.. I really hope i am wrong, but I think...Db is either working with them ..or he is unknowingly going to be working with them.
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Post by sthrnbelle »

when jonas said: "if my parents were in the order, don't you think that i would have been raised like bree? they let me do whatever i wanted ". it struck me that jonas and bree's lives have been almost complete opposites of each other.
- bree had overprotective parents who kept track of her every move, jonas was an orphan and allowed to do as he pleased.
- bree was a goody twoshoes (with the exception of sneaking out) and jonas has experimented with drinking and partying
- bree tries to shut off feeling emotions when she's upset, jonas loves to "talk it out"
- bree is immature, jonas is more mature
thinking back to the video where bree's mother & father meet (bree's father says the theme of the play is moral relativism? [can't remember for sure what he said] and bree's mom says the theme is free will) i'm thinking that maybe his (jonas') parents really were / are part of the order and purpousely raised bree and jonas in complete opposite environments on purpose. perhaps to see how they would respond in crisis situations? maybe her whole ceremony is a test by the order to see how she would respond to this type of pressure? idk.

i'm running on 3 hours of sleep now so this probably doesnt make any sense,... ill try better in the morning.
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Post by Onewen »

chelspea wrote:Don't you think that if either DB or Jonas were in the order, that Tachyon would have some sort of heads up and warn Bree? She seems to be pretty well aware of the inner workings and goings on of the Order, so if she didn't take the time to check on Jonas and DB before helping Bree, I'd be really surprised.
Well...I am no expert...but Tachy just had a major victory (*still hears theme song in my sleep*) so it makes some sense to give Oppy a turn.
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Post by janesalteredstates »

Does this remind anyone of anything? :shock:

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Post by janejane26 »

cosmicdancer wrote:The teen angst adventure squad is turning in on themselves. I think this is exactly what the Order wants to happen. Or if not, they'll certainly find a way to take advantage of the situation.
I agree!

And I wonder if the Order put that symbol in the cabin on purpose, to make Bree and Daniel suspicious of Jonas. I mean, Tachyon put the package of Nancy Drew books in Jonas's car... whats to keep OpAphid from slipping something in the cabin?

I hope we see a Tachyon video next or that Daniel contacts Tachyon, even if Bree doesn't want him to. They need help and this can't go on forever. (Jonas needs to eat and pee at some point and he can't really do that tied up!)
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Post by PinkoLady »

longlostposter wrote:
omegawoman wrote:Jonas looks more than just pissed for being tied up, he looks evil.
I agree. If he were innocent, you would think he would plead, not be aggressive (and that he would at least understand why Bree did what she did).
I actually disagree completely-- I think fakers plead, and really weave their words to prove their innocence. I feel like this pure, unadultrated anger is just a natural gut reaction.

Which doesn't mean I think he's innocent-- or that Daniel is. =P I just think that was a more convincing reaction than begging and being really rational about it.
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Post by autumneternal »

janesalteredstates wrote:I haven't read every message so I apologize if this has been brought up, but did it not look like that video was made by Op? I mean I realize it was probably directed by Glenn, but there were some really telling moments in there I can't think were just laziness... . Like we were inside Operation Aphid :shock:
Some other people have pointed it out.

What I'd like to know, though is why no one pointed out that in the video How Dumb Am I? towards the end, when Bree says "Right now, I'm just deciding where to begin," there's similar audio distortion over her voice.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Post by kellylen »

ok 1 more screenshots of angry jonas lol

and 2

this may seem a bit farfetched, but do you think that the order actually set all of this up? To have the whole crew turn against each other?

Just the way things are unravelling I'm starting to think that this was a plan of oppy's and that she is sitting back laughing now
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Re: jdksltupo

Post by ShardinsKitten »

sthrnbelle wrote:when jonas said: "if my parents were in the order, don't you think that i would have been raised like bree? they let me do whatever i wanted ". it struck me that jonas and bree's lives have been almost complete opposites of each other.
- bree had overprotective parents who kept track of her every move, jonas was an orphan and allowed to do as he pleased.
- bree was a goody twoshoes (with the exception of sneaking out) and jonas has experimented with drinking and partying
- bree tries to shut off feeling emotions when she's upset, jonas loves to "talk it out"
- bree is immature, jonas is more mature
thinking back to the video where bree's mother & father meet (bree's father says the theme of the play is moral relativism? [can't remember for sure what he said] and bree's mom says the theme is free will) i'm thinking that maybe his (jonas') parents really were / are part of the order and purpousely raised bree and jonas in complete opposite environments on purpose. perhaps to see how they would respond in crisis situations? maybe her whole ceremony is a test by the order to see how she would respond to this type of pressure? idk.

i'm running on 3 hours of sleep now so this probably doesnt make any sense,... ill try better in the morning.
That's what i was kinda getting at, (well not your theory of a test I hadn't thought of that) but that Bree was raised to do a specific something for the order. Just because Jonas wasn't raised the same way doesn't mean they weren't a part of it. He could of been raised to do something entirely differently, which would mean he would have to be raised differently.
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