aideen wrote:Notice the reference to jumpin the gun/shark?
"But I think Bree's jumping the gun here"
Jumping the gun is a very different thing from jumping the shark. Even with their effects. The first one can be bad; the second one always is.
Onewen wrote:Wasn't Daniel just calling Jonas a dirty name??

Now he is defending him? Doesn't seem consistent either!
There has to be something more!

People's mood changes from hour to hour, mustless day to day, and especially from situation to situation.
silvermoon wrote:Whatever little nit-picky problems they've had, they've lived in very close quarters for 2 months. I'm sure there has been some very big male-bonding going on there between D and J. (shut up Lurker, lol)
Ruin my fun, why don't you.
silvermoon wrote:I'm sure D. wants to think the best of J and give him the benefit of the doubt.
I agree.
Osei wrote:psychobunnie wrote:iono, i could be way off.
but maybe this is juss an attempt to make opaphid come to them again?
it just all seems too predictable.
jonas using the cell phone, a fight over bree, them just suddenly making up, bree going bonkers, and blah blah blah. lol
it seems staged? lol
or maybe i'm going bonkers too. lmao.
ALSO, the symbol, come on, wouldnt DB have noticed it? and thought about it before letting bree go all nutzo? also, he had to have helped bree tie him up. he could have easily stopped her, and be like "bree, calm down girly."
I think this is a very big possibility also. Maybe Jonas really has NOTHING to do with the order, and neither did his parents. Maybe they drew that symbol on something (it DID look pretty hand-drawn btw) and just put on this big act as a ploy to get The Order (or OpAphid or someone else) to think there is chaos in the cabin and see it as an oppurtunity to "do something". Then our little trio (plus Tachyon) can attack!

Yeah, I like that idea.

Wouldn't work. OpAPHID would know Jonas isn't theirs and it would be obvious that BD&J were trying to mislead them. They'd keep their people (at least anyone important) as far away from that place as they could while maintaining awareness of their location.
ladron121 wrote:If the Order thought Bree was crazy, I think they would wait until she drove off both Jonas and Daniel. She would be much easier to manipulate and pick up if she was alone.