What if the real reason Tachyon gave the file to Bree and then the information on opening it to Daniel was so that they would find the two-legged Watcher symbol and then associate it with Jonas? It's a stretch, but Tachyon always seems to have a long-term plan...autumneternal wrote:The whole idea of Jonas being part of the Order doesn't sit well with me for one major reason: Tachyon.
Tachyon wouldn't be so careless as to reveal herself to someone from the Order, I just can't see it happening. She's always been one step ahead and been extremely careful to keep her identity a secret. I can't see her becoming careless about her efforts now, especially after she chided Brother for getting too close to Gemma and revealing his identity.
I just refuse to draw any conclusions or make any assumptions until we've heard Jonas' side of things. I think right now that Bree is so on edge about everything that's happened, that she's quick to judge and distrust.
(Of course, earlier I was trying to convince someone that Daniel really had turned against Bree, and had posted Tachyon's file so that the Order would be able to see its contents and do damage control. Guess I'm just really confused and don't want to trust ANYONE!)