[Update] Frank Responds - Emails were NOT real (10/04/06)

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[Update] Frank Responds - Emails were NOT real (10/04/06)

Post by Mordrack »

New Blog entry.

Frank claims that the e-mails are not from him
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Post by vertigo »

"Oh, and I haven't emailed anyone. My address is NOT "frankiswaiting." I don't know who that is, but it smells like ass. So, in case some of you ARE serious, I don't want to be responsible for letting you get duped."

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Post by Sungkoo »

New blog
Oh, and I haven't emailed anyone. My address is NOT "frankiswaiting." I don't know who that is, but it smells like ass. So, in case some of you ARE serious, I don't want to be responsible for letting you get duped.
Sungkoo... Drunkoo??

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Post by baggage »

Ok, so we either have a game jacker. Or it is Cassie sending the emails through Frank.
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Post by Nos »

Well damn. So much for building trust eh? *sigh* *ignores all future comments from the gmail addy*


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Post by twjaniak »

It's nice to see Frank has a sense of humor.
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Post by vertigo »

I hate to think that somewhere on the internets someone is laughing at us....

If Cassie was the one "writing" the e-mails though Frank, why did she sound so different from her normal (or abnormal) self?
Last edited by vertigo on Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheChessboardWoman »

I think it's just a jacker toying with people, trying to confuse the game. Although the emails did seem to fit...
- Paige, an official member of the Smooth Operators.
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Post by baggage »

Nos, can you tell us what fake Frank said?

If Frank =CIW which I think he does, then is he only planning on talking to us through his blog? And not email? Cuz not to be rude to Frank but we are kind of in a time crunch here.
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Post by BurnsIV »


Obviously we dont know what your private email from frankiswatching says... but if it has ANYTHING in it that would help the non-possesed by Cassie Frank realize that the possesed Frank was used by Cassie to send those emails then maybe this is the sign that it is time to share.

Otherwise, maybe it is time to share anyways if frankiswatching is just a hoax. :wink:
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Post by TheChessboardWoman »

baggage wrote:Nos, can you tell us what fake Frank said?

If Frank =CIW which I think he does, then is he only planning on talking to us through his blog? And not email? Cuz not to be rude to Frank but we are kind of in a time crunch here.
I think Frank = the players (us,) and Cassie = audio/video ie Frank's psyche. Maybe?
- Paige, an official member of the Smooth Operators.
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Post by BurnsIV »

OK, sense we have the attention of the non-possesed/controlled side of Frank, I want to try to play that angle. I just posted this message:


You are right that people have been pointed to this weblog, but I personally have not been pointed here by any website. I have also been receiving communications from a voice (female) recently and that is how I was directed here. I think that the same goes for at least some of the other posters here as well. I think that there could be a tie between who has pointed us here, and who you are hearing. I know that sounds like a strech, but stranger things have happened right? If you are interested in this at all feel free to contact me at [email protected].

edit: Maybe I should have used a less ODD email address for this attempt at communication with self/Frank [as opposed to Cassie/Frank ;)] but to late now! :?
Last edited by BurnsIV on Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheChessboardWoman »

BurnsIV wrote:Frank,

You are right that people have been pointed to this weblog, but I personally have not been pointed here by any website. I have also been receiving communications from a voice (female) recently and that is how I was directed here. I think that the same goes for at least some of the other posters here as well. I think that there could be a tie between who has pointed us here, and who you are hearing. I know that sounds like a strech, but stranger things have happened right? If you are interested in this at all feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Ooh, that could be tricky...
- Paige, an official member of the Smooth Operators.
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Post by Jengels2002 »

I just received a new email from Frank along with a tinyurl link to a picture. Do you think it is real of fake? Should I post it?
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Post by Nos »

This is the email he sent me. Like I said, I was assuming it was a test of trust, since it didn't really tell us much.

I am glad to have found you and that I am not alone. I feel there are many of us called by the same voice. She has warned me in my sleep with terrible images I shall always keep. Know now, that there are those amongst you who lie. The enemy will stir as the time draws neigh.

Sunday I began to understand what she wanted of me. In my first blackout, I awoke near water. I was covered head to toe and dripping. I must have gone down into the deep. I know I left something there. What is more important is that I brought something back from the darkness. It is a thing I now cherish.

It is the "Book of the Beast". Covered in fine red leather, etched with meaning, and clasped with the Eye of the Dragon. It has secrets I dare not divulge - but the time is growing short. You are the first to know. Keep this from your group until you see the sign.

You are wise, I should stop drinking. The fog hasn't helped me deal with what I have lost. Sometimes it makes me a different person... a Beast.

"Yet to all it shall seem beautiful. Its enemies who say not so, are mere liars."


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