Flashbang from the Human Ransom

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Flashbang from the Human Ransom

Post by KelQuelle »

I know this is a little old now, but how exactly did Bree get out of the elevator after the flash thingy went off? wouldn't she have been "stunned" (or whatever) by it too? this has kind of been bothering me...
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Post by Kasdeja »

This is an ongoing quetion for all of us. Lots of theories...but we don't really know.
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Post by ladron121 »

Kas is right, but it basically boils down to one of two things:

It was a specially modified flashbang that would only work on people over the age of 18;

It was cool to put in the video, but the writer/director didn't look into it too closely and so its effects weren't accurate.

IRL, everyone in that elevator, especially in such an enclosed space, would have been out, no matter how prepared they were. The elevator would have gone to the floor that it was pressed when the doors closed, and their escape would have been screwed :)
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Post by Ziola »

I suggest PM'ing Itsreallyreal and asking him about the effects...apparently he has personal experience. :lol:
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Post by Eric »

I've never been flash-banged (heh ... sorry, that just sounds funny), but my impression is that they're more disorienting than disabling. If you're ready for it and prepare by doing things like squeeze your eyes shut and jam your fingers in your ears you can avoid some of the effects. Maybe Bree was wearing ear plugs.

That being said, there's still a small explosive involved even in flash bangs. I'd imagine that in quarters as close as an elevator car there'd be the real danger of some actual physical injury occuring.

It's a bit far fetched, but hey, it's fiction, suspend your disbelief a little. :D
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Post by Marbella »

There are a whole lot of possibilities, and as everyone has stated, no one knows for sure. I thought that when Bree called out, "Wait," she must have exited the elevator at that point. I don't know for sure, though!!
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

Marbella, when you see the flashbang go off you can also see that bree is still in the elevator.
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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