...what if the Order are trying to send her crazy? Wear her down so much that with even the slightest hint that one of her mates might be implicated, she goes Rambo on them. (Whether they do this by having Jonas and/or Daniel as their agents/s, or planting evidence at Jonas's, or however)
If she goes nuts, with her Dad out of the way and her Mom totally on the Order's side, the Order could have so much power over her mind...
Maybe they can't drug her into doing the ceromony, convincing her and bribing her hasn't worked... but if she has a mental break of some kind, maybe they figure her mind will be malleable enough for them to convince her she was just crazy all this time, and of course the order isn't evil, and of course she should do the ceremony....

Wonder what I'll get out of the 3rd watching?! *runs away to hyper-analyse some more*