
Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by paigeb25 »

Hi all...First timer here :D

Bree said she found "artwork"...That doesn't mean that jonas even knows what it is. Bree didnt specify where she found it. It could have been on the floor for all we know.

It could have been planted prior to them getting there


how do we know it didn't slip out of the package that daniel intercepted? After all it does look a little like a bookmark and he did get books.............
A new member completly confused by all the puzzles, but frying my brain trying to figure it out.
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Post by autumneternal »

tenshiakui wrote:*slinks from the shadows*

Just a thought...

Just because it's in his house dosnt mean it's his.

Just because it's in his car dosnt mean he put it there.

Tachy was able to sneek something into thier possession..

Why couldnt the Order do like wise?

But even if it's always been there... it does not mean it's he is the owner. After all this was his parents house. And one would think if he was trying to keep it secret he wouldnt put it someplace that Bree could find it.

I will assume nothing. As I said the Creators love to throw us for loops, and often do.

*fades to black*
I agree with what you've said here, tenshiakui.

I refuse to draw any conclusions or make any assumptions until we hear Jonas' side of the story

Additionally, the thing that sticks out most in my mind is that, if Jonas does, in fact, turn out to be with the Order, now they know Tachyon's identity.

I don't like the idea of the Creators using this repetitive plot and it just doesn't mesh well with me.
Last edited by autumneternal on Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Lurker wrote:
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Sorry for being slow, but could you connect the dots as to what you're suggesting?
Basically boils down to "What are the possibilities that Jonas and Bree are related (both are orphans, Jonas could have been liberated at a young age, or just overlooked because he wasnt special like bree) and that Jonas is in cahoots with Tachyon using the code name 'Brother'"?
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Post by cosmicdancer »

Except the problem with that Theory is that Jonas met Brother, and so did Bree and Daniel. Brother and Tachyon stayed with them for the weekend after the Human Ransom.
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cosmicdancer wrote:Except the problem with that Theory is that Jonas met Brother, and so did Bree and Daniel. Brother and Tachyon stayed with them for the weekend after the Human Ransom.
Ah! Right! I had completely forgotten about that! Well, nix that almost theory! Pretty much anything to keep him from being evil. He doesn't have the right bone structure for evil.
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Post by longlostposter »

cosmicdancer wrote:Except the problem with that Theory is that Jonas met Brother, and so did Bree and Daniel. Brother and Tachyon stayed with them for the weekend after the Human Ransom.
Yeah, I was thinking that all we saw was a video of Bree SAYING that Tachyon and Brother stayed the weekend. That's why I said I couldn't think of anything to conflict with it off-hand. If Bree were Tachy, then it stands to reason that the videos wouldn't be the absolute truth, but meant to confuse and impede the Order. However, that would mean that everything we've seen from Bree's bedroom to the killing of her dad was a big hoax.

I agree, this theory isn't workable, but good try.
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Post by janesalteredstates »

I just want all of this to have been an elaborate ruse to get Daniel. I don't even know why. It just seems like the craziest thing possible.


If Jonas is really in The Order I will be choosing a side. :twisted:
The side of those who did NOT create the worst "twist" in written history.
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Post by trainer101 »

About half the forum is saying "Aha! I knew Jonas was with the Order!".
The other half is saying "No! It can't be true, I refuse to believe it."

The response alone tells me that this plot twist is a good one and not at all like the Gemma reveal. Similar, yes. The same? No, not by a longshot.
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Post by longlostposter »

trainer101 wrote:About half the forum is saying "Aha! I knew Jonas was with the Order!".
The other half is saying "No! It can't be true, I refuse to believe it."

The response alone tells me that this plot twist is a good one and not at all like the Gemma reveal. Similar, yes. The same? No, not by a longshot.
I agree, Trainer, it's a great twist; and I'm staying on the fence concerning Jonas until I see more evidence.
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Post by Kasdeja »

trainer101 wrote:Jonas is the Babysitter! Dun Dun Dunnnnnn! WooHoo!
(see OpAphid section for definition of "babysitter")

And you didn't want to believe me...
My crazy theory
And why he's not supposed to fall for Bree

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Post by Kasdeja »

It's something we've suspected lately, with his unusual cellphone usage and the blatant attention being directed at it by B&D. I can't wait to see how this develops.
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Post by hahacool »

I haven't read the thread completey yet, so sorry if I'm saying the samre thing over. Maybe that peice of wood with the symbol wasn't Jonas'? Maybe his parents WERE part of the order and they took them and he found Bree and Daniel fighting against the order and wanted to be part of it just because he had the same thing happen to him.

I just think him being a watcher or part of the order is a tab bit too predictable.

just a though :).
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Post by Kasdeja »

It could have been his parents...but what about the phone calls? What about the way they were led to him?
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Post by hahacool »

hmm good question, there goes that theory haha
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Post by Kasdeja »

Not necessarily, lol.
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