[PUZZLE][SOLVED] Dancing In The Dark [02.26.07]

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Post by theresascraps »

Why is tachy working with them to crack her own message. and I quote:

" I ll be curious to see if the teen angst adventure gang can come up with anything else on those other symbols once they crack the code. I know we thought there was a pi or an omicron in two of them but that doesn t add up with the other stuff I ve found. I m running the variations still but I can t do much research right now. "

didn't she give the package to Daniel? Why would she refer to the as the teen angst gang. I thought she was their friend, that isn't very nice???

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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

McPackage wrote:So if it isn't an omicron, then it's probably a phi.

And if it isn't a pi, then it's probably a nu?
:) guess they were admitting "whoops; we didn't make this one clear enough... best get with the editorial..." ;)
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Post by islandlove »

so is tachy saying she messed up?
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Post by diastres »

theresascraps wrote:Why is tachy working with them to crack her own message. and I quote:

" I ll be curious to see if the teen angst adventure gang can come up with anything else on those other symbols once they crack the code. I know we thought there was a pi or an omicron in two of them but that doesn t add up with the other stuff I ve found. I m running the variations still but I can t do much research right now. "

didn't she give the package to Daniel? Why would she refer to the as the teen angst gang. I thought she was their friend, that isn't very nice???

Because they ARE the teen angst adventure gang?


I don't think she's "working with them" so much as "trying to pick their brains."

Not that TAAG has really commented on the pictures at all...
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Post by theresascraps »

but it sounds like she is saying she doesn't know what it means. she left the note and the pics. how can she not know??


maybe I am just confused about that part....
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Post by CallMeNiel »

maybe she stole it from the order and doesn't know what it means herself
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Post by Ziola »

I don't think she knows what they mean...bear with me as I let my tiny little brain work this one out...

We are operating under the assumption that this information is stuff that Tachyon took from the Order while she was working for them.

She is operating under the assumption that it is important to them somehow, perhaps based on the file name it was listed under, or some other innocous thing that doesn't matter to the game.

Simply working for the Order and copying their files doesn't mean that she would know what they meant, or even if they were important.

Its sort of like, if you came to my house and copied things from my computer regarding my business. You have no idea what is really important to me, so you just make your best educated guess and take what stands out to you.
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Post by diastres »

She doesn't necessarily have to know. She could be picking their brains, and the note was what she thought it was at the time.
You will read somewhere that all writing has to do with one's genitals. Don't dwell on this. It will make you nervous.

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Post by theresascraps »

Oh, i see. I thought she made up the picture, not the order. Got it. So she stole this stuff and is trying to understand it too..
I was thrown off for a minute

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Post by Loki »

Heh, I go out for six hours and suddenly there's a puzzle AND it's solved... ah well... I think I like "teen angst adventure gang" much better than "terrible trio" or whatever for Bree & Co. I'm going to have to use that...

Is it possible (for the sake of this post being on topic) that the semiotics file was part of the information stolen waaaayyyy back when, from the warehouse? I can't recall if all that was actually recovered...
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Post by janesalteredstates »

Something just occurred to me. Were those things left in Jonas' car? Who was meant to find them?

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Post by michiev »

janesalteredstates wrote:Something just occurred to me. Were those things left in Jonas' car? Who was meant to find them?

Well i think tachyon knew that they would all try and solve whatever it was. But it WAS meant for daniel to find the package. because of the not she leaves him with the package. The first letters of the sentances on that note spell out Wyatt. which is the name on daniels fake ID.
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Post by FyodorReader »

michiev wrote:
janesalteredstates wrote:Something just occurred to me. Were those things left in Jonas' car? Who was meant to find them?

Well i think tachyon knew that they would all try and solve whatever it was. But it WAS meant for daniel to find the package. because of the not she leaves him with the package. The first letters of the sentances on that note spell out Wyatt. which is the name on daniels fake ID.
hmmm.. maybe tachyon knew about Jonas and made sure Daniel got it first? ...

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Out of Curiosity...

Post by ZeroOrigin »

Not that I'm sure of it's relevance or accuracy, but this message of Tachyon's appears to be possibly linked to Humboldt County, California.

This was discovered by back tracking to the root of the message.


Which leads to Humboldt County.

Cross referencing with CA in google confirms there is a Humboldt County, CA.

Of further possible interest is that Tachyon likes to play with numbers.

"mailto:[email protected]
Date: 2007-02-26, 2:11PM PST

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 285089942"

Just thought it might be of interest considering someone mentioned a drop.
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Post by lostgurl »

ladron121 wrote:Just so everyone knows, profile updates that lead to craigslist that lead to secret msg usually lead to drops :) I hope they get this going before the weekend!
so, is that how it works for a drop, cause there is a criagslist post of the Dancing in the dark song.

sorry, i'm a noob, what happens now? are all the drops in CA?
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