Eek, yeah. The h8rs (lolz!11!) (brief tangent - I saw a license plate that said NOH8RZ yesterday. Hee.) on youtube would... not be fun. But yes, a blog or something would be nifty! Even just a thread here on the board that was specifically IC, maybe. It'd be kind of fun to have the characters interacting with one another as well as with LG15, another step in creating a world, kind of.twjaniak wrote:I don't know if Revver can do that. I could do it easily enough on YouTube, but I am thinking of pulling out of that venue. There are just too many haters there who just don't get what I am trying to do. They think I am some 30-something sicko who believes Bree is real and that I am foolishly offering advice to a Hollywood creation who will never respond. "Do you really think the producer will ever even noticed you?" they will ask. Well, yes as a matter of fact; I know for a fact that they have noticed me. I suppose I could create a blogger account and post a video into each post. Then people could respond to those. What do you think?
Anyway, I think it'd be cool. My tuppence.